How auto Load UI Edit Mode Profile?

Anyone found a way to make edit mode computer specific? Via addon or Script?

I bounce between my laptop and desktop both with different size screens and differant resolutions. Currently if I stop using Bartender and want to use the Game Edit Mode Profiles. I have to change edit mode from “desktop settings” to “laptop settings” every time I swap.

I have been using Bartender but I want to stop and use the DF Edit mode. Due to Edit mode profiles being stored server side now instead of locally, does anyone pro with scripts know how to make a addon or know of an addon that will load “laptop” settings when Im on my laptop and my “desktop” settings when Im on my desktop? So I dont have to manually switch each time?

An addon with this (minus the /run) along with detecting the laptop/desktop screen resolution when your character first enters the world.
Can probably do something with

Advice on the code to put in a LUA file and TOC file so it will load “/run EditModeManagerFrame:SelectLayout(3)” for example at login automatically?

Im pretty tech savvy so you dont need to go into too much detail.

Never mind. I DID IT!

Got a TOC file with this code.

Interface: 100100 


and a LUA File that has this code

local LocalLayout = CreateFrame("Frame")

function OnWorldEnter()

LocalLayout:SetScript("OnEvent", OnWorldEnter)

Did the same thing on my desktop and laptop! My laptop loads Edit mode profile 3 at login and my desktop loads edit mode profile 4!


Well done.

You only need this in the TOC if you want to save settings between logging out and loging in.

The current ## Interface: is 100100 for 10.1.0 but it’s only used to determene if the out-of-date box is ticked so…

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Thank you for the heads up it’s edited and fixed.

It’s nice having a different layout at login on both my computer and laptop and not having to use bartender anymore to be honest I’m getting sick of tired of all the errors it gives

Every time I go to use my Hearthstone or click something in my bags I would get an error saying bartender has prevented this action. /reload fixes it every time but it’s just annoying to deal with and now I don’t have to

Not to mention having other things that are on uneditable with bartender in different spots on my screen on my laptop versus my desktop

I have 0 issues with bartender, just fyi. Might be something else that’s causing errors.

Thanks for the heads up. Torn on if I will keep using it.

Weather I do or not I needed my portrait, chat window, enhancement bar (dragon vigor) and a few other things in a differant spot at login on my laptop vs my PC. With this custom addon now I have that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sucks that edit mode details are saved server side instead of PC side. But it is what it is.

I sometimes boot on a 10:16 resolution screen instead of 9:16 and it messes up everything, yet I don’t really feel like the default action bars are just quite there yet when it comes to features and tweaking.

This addon will fix that. Make two differant profiles and make the addon load a diff profile on each computer. Happens at login. No more manual switching

just throwin this weakaura i made in to the mix for y’all

i also play wow on many different monitors/pcs, i actually linked them all with wireguard and samba and use a batch script to sync specific addons between them but that’s way outside the realm of this thread :')

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