How are you preparing for 8.3?

Honestly it is pretty crazy how fun swtor feels after playing wow for so long. In WoW i almost feel forced to do a number of content just so i can be competitive, in swtor i just do it cuz its fun.

Plus it has many things that would be Anathema to Ion and WoW
-Flashpoints aka dungeons showering you with loot instead of maybe giving you 1 item that maybe might be useful
-Gearing being ultra fast and only getting bis stuff takes long
-You can send your alts your high rating gear you farm on your main in dungeons
-You can buy set pieces and tactical(legendaries) with currency if they dont drop for you(And that is at the start of the expansion)
-Most classes have a ton of skills like a classis non prunned mmo and long rotations that you can fail if you arent careful, and i dont mean just fail as lose some dps, if as a merc you reach high heat it takes ages to cooldown reducing your dps severely
-pvp and other types of casual content has SCALING meaning everyone can have fun, not only people who grind gear all day(bound to be worse in wow with corrupted gear worth 50 ilvls)
-Many cds and important abilities are not on the GCD

I am actually playing the story, doing a few dungeons and doing pvp not for the gear, but because i enjoy it and also get rewarded with gear from all activities.

Honestly if Ion played star wars he would have a heart attack