How are you folks dealing with warriors cc and gap closers?

Agreed that it would be super situational. Depending on partners ability to cc and if you can line their healer while being trained.

I wouldn’t go this route against just one melee though. I want to try it but if I fail I’m gonna be tilted lol

look the real answer is this

use your portal during blade storm, and the your gateway during the second bladestorm, shield or run away colossus smash or thunderous roar

also have a weak aura for when your target has spell reflect up so you dont mortal coil yourself

if you port properly a warrior is gonna have an awful time getting to you, some help from your teammates with 1 root or slow will do wonders

dont be afraid to just pillar the hell out of the war, by them focusing you and doing no damage or cc you are essentially ccing one whole person out of the game, while you line them and ring around the rosey the pillar use that time to get off instants to help your teammates to “plus” on resources out so to say and win.

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  1. Learn to fake kicks for Precognition
  2. Port only when your healer is out of CDs or preferably when your healer is in CC
  3. Do more damage than the enemy team

There’s your affliction guide in 3 steps

Sometimes you can just tank the warrior hitting you. Top yourself with Drain life.

If this seems too hard, reroll Mage, blink 7 times in a row and laugh at the Warriors for even trying to reach you

Warlock is bulkier so if you’re out of mobility it’s time to do damage and get healed while doing it

If your healer sucks, go next, you cannot win

Can I ask why port/gating bladestorms is preferable over using port/gate for thunderous roar? & even colossus smash?

The only time a war sends a plain bladestorm is if he needs it for mobility or to immune a setup/cc. They get bladestorm from pressing avatar though which can be a sign that they are popping cds.

Colossus smash windows should def be the priority.

It’s worth noting that most warriors are playing hurricane right now which doesn’t allow them to cancel bladestorm, so a bladestorming warrior means you get to freecast (they can still reflect during the storm though).

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That’s what wowhead says. Is wowhead wrong then?

Double Time and Leap have a pvp modifier attached them to affect the cd in pvp. I don’t know what cruiser is trying to say about Shockwave though.

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Thanks! this is helpful.

True, but it was solo shuffle, so not a lot of peel from team mates

I haven’t thought about that, but it makes a lot of sense… if he is going to shut me down, I can try to put him in the same situation, at the end it will be 2v2 for the other 4 players

Was teamed up with his warlord of a warrior in solos the other day. His damage was consistently at 100k DPS and he soloed a fw twice during the 6 rounds. I think he was a bot but not 100% sure. Either way he was insane.

Also don’t forget if you want to really troll a warrior counter spell them when they have spell reflect up and it will reflect back to you as a missed kick and give you pre cog. Glorious

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I mean ya you said fw meaning multi-target cleave was happening, it was not single target dps, arms does good cleave I’ve admitted as much, but that’s all it does.

His name was Andres, zero achevs and when he soloed the fw the fw was on the run and no one else around him I had a set of dots on him but that’s it.

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thunderous roar is a little bonus dmg and not like even really kiteable as a dot lol but for example the warrior is almost always gonna use colossus smash before the bladestorm anyways so ya ur porting his bs+cs


Both shockwave and bolt are 3 seconds in pvp, instead of 4 and 2.

a cuppa blinks
a cuppa displacements
a cuppa alter timezzzzzzz

A fw on the run isn’t playing fw very well since being all in hitting a target is how you heal. He likely wasn’t well versed in fw gameplay as arms shouldn’t be able to kill an fw solo. Let alone chasing thru double port.