How are Warlocks doing in Torghast?

Is the Voidwalker holding his own against the bosses?

Meh depends on your luck with demon buff powers. Getting instant demon summons helps a little if its dying a lot and you’re not struggling with soul shards.


Demo is the way to go. You take all the powers that boost your Felguard.

Ez Soul Ash.


I dunno man it’s fun watching things just melt if you can get a lot of Darkglares that are buffed and have extended summon times.

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My warlock friend usually has like 5 infernals running at any time by the 3rd floor

So I’d say they’re doing pretty hot

Play demo, get the buff that give 100% more hp and dmg every floor. Enjoy the 30k dps felguard

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Any pet can hold its own against bosses, sometimes regardless of whether or not you’re actually doing anything to help. The right powers can turn them into the true boss at the end of that run.

I was rolling through it at 148ish ilvl, affliction, NP.

It’s really fun if you get an early “+100% health & damage to your demon now and again every floor” or two. Add in the one that gives you a 50% damage reduction for 10 seconds after using Demon Circle: Teleport, which also applies to your demon, and then get the CD of Teleport down to under 10 seconds and the Blueberry is invincible or your DPS pet is gonna be damn near one-shotting everything for you.

That said, I haven’t run it on my Warlock this week. So I missed the whole “holy crap Layers 7 & 8 are hard” and then the “we’re nerfing the everloving crap out of 'em” runs. Mostly 'cause I’ve been working on an alt to help out the guild. XD

Ooooo I did not know that I’ll have to try that power more

I did not struggle at all as destro up until they introduced layer 7 and 8. Both of those were a little rough but I cleared one of the wings/cells/whatever you want to call them on Tuesday.

I planned on doing the other one on 8 later, and then the nerfs got applied and it was a pretty big joke

With the nerfs, Thorghost is pretty easy as a Warlock.

Get the power that makes Demon Summoning instant cast and you’ll never get hit again with your infinite Voidwalkers :smiley:


My wee one is affliction and for the most part has had no problems but there is a lot of RNG in the corruptions, I mean anima powers you get. It’s considerably harder if you get bad ones.


I have been able to clear every level as destruction fairly easy.

I keep hearing that , but I can’t help but think these are people not clearing the floors. You get so many fish from the pool one of them is bound to be a whopper.

I’m bad and I just did layer 8 eating soup so I think we are ok

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:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

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It was pea soup too, I pretend it’s fel to get my RP on


Hmm do any soups come in purple?

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If you leave it out long enough, probably