How are Survival Hunters, in Shadowlands, going to work?

With the focus being put on Classes as a whole, rather than Specs, and each Spec just doubling down on certain aspects (like increased heals, tanking abilities or damage); how will Survival Hunters work?

Will they be a Ranged Class that can melee a lot better?
Or will they be a pure melee class with some ranged abilities?


I really enjoy the small niche that survival hunter has developed and i hope it doesn’t get completely removed or changed.


We don’t know for sure, but likely the latter.


Im curious too hunters mark and kill shot are ranged abilities. Not sure how thats going to work with survival. They did say that returning abilities is for class in whole not spec.

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Easy, they use the hand crossbow like they do for serpent sting already with survival.


What’s a survival hunter? My hunter only has two specs now.

All joking aside, they probably won’t change much. They’ll still be primarily melee, but they might get some ranged utility.


It depends really on what they bring back and give everyone. They already confirmed Eyes of the Beast and Hunters Mark, which isn’t really relevant to the question.

Most anything else they do really won’t change much. Most shots can be just as easily done with a melee weapon.

I’m more interested in how it will effect the other two specs. There are a lot of melee skills they could bring back but BM and MM no longer use melee weapons.

My guess is we get Eyes of the Beast and Scare Beast back and they give all the specs Serpent Sting (maybe all the stings back?) and Hunters Mark again and that’s it. No real changes to any of the specs beyond some balancing because of the SS and HM damage increases.

I have been thinking this as well, have been really enjoying survival this expansion but I like how they are turning attention to making classes feel whole again.

That is true, and also what I was thinking.

They aren’t reworking classes, they are just adding some niche and flavor things to them. Survival is still going to be a melee class and from the looks of it, you’ll pretty much only be getting eyes of the beast. They aren’t going to give you killshot or hunter’s mark.

Maybe they will go back to being a trash ranged spec that people try to play as a trash melee spec just like back in the day.

Survival is better now then it was when it was ranged.


They could just like

Add a ranged weapon slot/relic class back

That they removed to make all our lives hell

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Survival is better now then it was when it was ranged.

As evidenced by it currently being the spec with the second lowest amount of players in the game, while having been the most popular spec in the game several times when it was ranged.


They said no major overhauls, so it’s going to stay melee. Hunter’s Mark will probably just increase the hunter’s damage, and any shots will probably either be spear throws or from the hand crossbow.

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Good question.

I love playing Survival. So I hope it remains.


I would like to see hunters mark become like the monks +5percent dmg buff

They won’t re-design the way the spec plays, they’re mostly adding back flavor abilities from what I can see, eyes of the beast is one they mentioned, scare beast is another I could see coming back.

They don’t really impact the way the spec plays.

M8, idk if you know this. But survival is actually mostly ranged with some melee thrown in. Not even some melee, 1 skill, sure it’s your big damage skill but you even get the other skill that turns that into ranged too.

edit: okay I forgot about the melee slow and aoe, so 3 skills.

It kind of is this already.

The only abilities that outright require you be in melee are Mongoose Bite and Carve. Everything else crucial to your rotation has been made ranged. Wildfire Bomb, Serpent Sting, Kill Command. All of your rotation can be done from a good distance away.

I’d imagine largely the same, but we pull out the crossbow to kill shot now.

no? Why’d you think that? Blizzard will just give classes 1-2 old abilities and share few more between specs. Classes overall will be exactly same as now