How are MM hunters complaining?

That means nothing. They are ranged casters. Of course we do well in group content. Wtf.

Logon your main. Stop hiding behind an alt.


Says the guy hiding his profile btw Iā€™m over 600 rating above you

Not a cast its ranged ez mode cant be interrupted, best healing, best dmg, best mobility, best dmg reduction.

Well, you can ā€œGougeā€ a Hunter to stop their casts as the Rogues would put it. Disarming works great if you can do that; that shuts everything down except traps. The thing I learned over the years that as kiting is no longer a thing, Hunters have gotten a LOT better at standing their ground in melee, which is something of an existential threat to melee specsā€¦

Still a coward.

Still hiding your profile lol

This post was so bad I somehow felt the disturbance from the Warrior Forums.


Brewfest this year was just as laughably easy as the last one. I made an example out of Boromiir-Sargeras. A 72 Prot Warrior couldnā€™t beat a 70 DF Marks two seasons behind. I thought about using this new toon, but itā€™s only my real main that still puts the BFA ammy in play.

Jackalswind - Character (

Thank GOODNESS I blew some 13 weeks in Cataclysm this year. Actually getting my butt handed to me(really because of the server pop imbalance) on an almost daily basis in Tol Barad did me much good. I had actually been spen-deficient and upped it to about 270-ish, because of the tryhardism of Grobb Allis not bothering to come out unless they had their precious buffs.

Because I mentioned 270 spen, it goes without saying itā€™s Survival spec that needs it rather than Marksmanship.

Istoā€™s right, so Iā€™m not going to complain about MM. Iā€™ll let newbies do that since theyā€™re the ones that got to make something of themselves(Iā€™ve done it all), and Iā€™ve noticed a lot of new people lately because of the current BM crisis.

Please go outside.

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I have some time before supper tonight, so Iā€™m going to discuss why you are wrong.

Forums are just a nice way to pass the time until things kick back up. Take a step back and realize weā€™re in the middle of October now. Thereā€™s a lot of serious holiday thingsā€“of a rather brownish/purplish-orangish Santy Claus persuasionā€“that need to be done so this is not really the time to get busy in WoW. I already did 13 weeks in Tol Barad.

I just got done doing 6 weeks in the forum penitentiary. My š• has more to say about that.

You couldnā€™t have picked more wrongly and so bigly wrong a person to nicely ask them to go outside. I go outside more than anyone you know, to include that I go ā€œinsideā€ more than anyone you know. That doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t IMPROVE, if thatā€™s what youā€™re getting at. Do I set the leading example? I should be the one telling you to go outsideā€“because Iā€™ve not a clue what you even did this summerā€“but this is not the best time in the year to ask someone to go outside anyway.

All in all, nobody has to be here. I know I donā€™t. If Microsoft is going to rebase Retail, I want to be there to see it, and trust me when I say they got a LOT of work to do, a lot of slack to pick up from the Ybarra Years. I understand they only had this for a year, but thatā€™s just one year.

Out of 40 odd specs they have the 3rd highest representation rate in blitz for the top 5000 players, in Arena\Solo shuffle they arena they are not doing as well.

Hunters are hard to balance in PVP because they are oppressive when they do OP damage and they dont have a spamable CC. They are oppressive because range unkickable\silenceable damage is strong and when it does lots of damage its not as avoidable as say a caster who you can lock down.

I think survival is actually a super strong spec and can counter some of the god specs like feral at the moment but nobody likes playing it.

Cashmeowside mboxed 2-3 MMs and practically broke the game. A MMĀ² or MMĀ³ with one person and a healer is all it takes.

Melee, hello? The only thing MM ever did well until after the Borrowed Power era was damage. Thatā€™s it. Everyone else did both great damage and had great utility. It was a balance in non-Huntersā€™ favor. So yeah, itā€™s strong but I can always show you stronger and better.

Because even the casters has better utility to mitigate for their lockdown moments.

Thatā€™s literally saying nobody likes playing super strong specs that can counter god-spec specs. I argue thatā€™s mutually exclusive, because unless theyā€™re, whatā€™s thatā€™s called, goofing it up, they donā€™t like playing that which sucks.

Microsoftā€™s only been at this for a year; itā€™s worth giving it one more college try.

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you guys are pretty high up there, better than warriors thatā€™s for sure