can literally 1 shot any class without using any CDs needs big nerf
git gud lel
(such constructive thread deserves such a response)
Yes, you’re getting one shotted, because you’re level 10. Level up to 80 and you’ll see that that does not happen.
Original name:
Misuse of the word “literally”:
Posting on a level 13:
Yep checks out.
A quasi-twinked 70 MM, being two seasons behind, can gank most 70-80 things up to 4M in HP…
The only thing to complain about is that it’s too easy, and it’s never been easier. I was out there with my own MM during the prepatch and I couldn’t believe how easy it is now. I would just leave it alone, because if I want a harder class/spec experience, there’s still Cata. Cata MM is really bad, so I’d rather go there than ask for nerfs.
oh wow a honest hunter!
Yes, best I don’t further. Just like the late Sam Kinison said, you go where the FOOD is! Oh, ooh, OOOOOH!
If you want hard, go where the hard is, and it’s not in Retail. A BFA private server is also a fine choice…
lol literally impossible to one shot anyone without using CDs and even then if the person you’re targeting using a defensive you aren’t one shotting anyone.
How are Marksman Hunters complaining? Quietly, if at all. Mostly, as a long-time Marks, I just get on with the game, because I know complaining don’t work, nor reasoned discourse, nor pleading, nothing I can do is going to cause a Dev to look upon my Class and Spec and try only to do what would best improve the Hunter Class, lol no, they do not have my Classes best interests at heart.
This isn’t the way I’d have things, but I can still play a reasonable , recognizable version of an old school MM Hunter and enjoy it and I know this two will pass, just like any OP thing we got going on, prolly sooner than later
So, thats how this Marks is complaining; quietly, if at all.
one last thing; Aragorn?? reality check; a low level thief type is wearing the name of an Epic Hero from the days of my youth. or possibly you misspelled your name.
aragorm? aragarm? aragob? aragoon? definitley…
if (MM-hunter != top-raid-dps-spec) then
throw new Error("How could Blizz do this to me?");
end if;
Duh! I mean if you are not at the top of the meter, are you even playing the game? Might as well go play club penguin if we can’t be top DPS in the 25-man right guys?
Average pvp complaint exaggeration
MM is 100% busted though i dont know how any sane person could say it isnt…nothing is as easy to play to such high damage so fast and also how tanky MM is now its the easiest spec in the game to play and dominate with by far
“i died a couple times to this class-spec combo!”, a thread.
rapid fire does 3 mil dmg with no ramp up on a 20 second CD lol its beyond stupid
In almost full conquest/bloody token gear I don’t “one shot” anything, even with berserking buff in a bg.
I miss the days in prepatch before Shadowlands where I could one shot people in PvP. Though technically it wasn’t a one shot because it involved double tap.
And once again, MM is completely absent from top ranked play. The spec is powerful in random BGs against low geared players with poor team communication. Go search the top 50 in 2v2, 3v3, BGB, SS, etc., how many MM do you see? Its bursty, but has a long CD, any good player knows how to combat an MM. Being one myself, I also see them all the time, avoid their burst window is all you need to do.
You must be low rating if you go to top players % MM is #2 in blitz behind unholy dk and #2 in arena behind aff lock
Prepatch is not relevant for balancing. You were 70, in not-season-1-gear, likely with set bonuses, in a competitive environment balanced around level 80 with hero talents.
I was a 70 with Echo gear, as you could still see, sort of. My GM did Brewfest, and I agree with him that Marks is nothing to write home about in terms of pure pwnage.