How are enh shammys looing for 9.2?

I mained a shadow preist in 9.0, a BM, hunter in 9.1 now for 9.2 I’m looking for a new class. The preist was fun but I hated struggling in M+ because of how awkward the AoE was. BM hunter was easy to score 90% parses in but my god its dull.

I’m hoping that Enh shammys are looking good for 9.2. I really enjoy pretending to be a thunder god. So, how they lookin? Or has blizz forgot they existed… again…

I am not the God of Hammers:

So, non-snarky answer, they are looking BETTER, but they are not QUITE there yet. I expect they will move up the damage meters slightly, but will not be sitting at the top any time soon:

One bright spot was a recent change (after this WoWHead post I believe that has put Frost Shock and Fire Shock on different CDs, a change I’ve been advocating for a long time.

You’re welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ya… i keep wondering how I’m supposed to spreading fire dots while keeping up dps

The shocks being on different CDs addresses a situation where it’s possible to only have a hard cast lightning bolt available in the middle of your rotation, which is absolutely not ideal. I’ll have to see it in practice to find out how effective it is, but it should help.

Lava Lash will spread Flame Shock, but this also makes the unlinked shocks kind of redundant now. You can refresh Flame Shock if you have nothing else, but you really shouldn’t be losing Flame Shock on your target with regular applications of Lava Lash unless they are dying too fast.

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