How are black dragons playable?

It was leaked, lots of people are talking about. They’ll announce later.

“leaked” doesn’t mean confirmed, check the meaning.

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People said the same about Worgen too.

They haven’t confirmed anything yet, but WoWhead have recently datamined a lot of Dragon related stuff after the leak so as time passes on it becomes more & more believable.


It totally fits, playable dragons make so much sense with everything leading up to this point.

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Playable dragons would be awesome and Blizzard needs another big draw like Demon Hunters were.

You know how many people would reinstall to play as a dragon? Probably a lot.

We’ll have to wait and see what is announced but it would almost certainly draw players back in.

I don’t think we’ll have to wait too long to find out either…

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The possibility of a dragon expansion is real, but a race themed after black dragons isn’t. And oh look whos’ copying FFXIV again hahahahahaha :joy: :rofl: they can’t get new ideas. In FFXIV they teased the birth island of dragons we’ll be visiting soon enough…and oh look who’s copying yet again, right after “End” theme aka Endwalker and Eternity’s End.

Nothing cannot gain traction. Because nothing cannot grip one to anything to gain traction.

So idiot RP wannabe has spread incorrect information.

Dragon Isles have likely been a contender for years, so that’s a bit of a silly argument.

They’ve been referenced in the lore for well over a decade.

Yes but they said somewhere the future of wow is going into celestial stuff. Dragon isles ain’t celestial stuff.

Its either dragons…or (alliance) light versus something.

Void or horde being something. This would have turalyon not turning over command and being inspired by other other draenor Yrel.

Or he turns it over anduin goes bad boy mode and comes back bipolar mode and aggressive as hell. Or both. anduin in charge, bad boy mode.

And you know how orcs like to make roads from draenei bones…orcs bones work too. One new road to orgrimmar coming up. And Turalyon is the project lead lol.

Alliance doesn’t get fun stuff like this. so…I am backing dragons.

In my personal opinion. There would be a DRAGON icon on each faction’s side in create a character. The Alliance option would only have a toggle for the Alliance Races and ARs. Same goes for the Horde.

The dragon race would likely share it’s racials with eachother. But it would be a way to give say High/Blood Elf Druids (as it wouldn’t have the void effect due to different racials). Without saying that Blood Elf/Void Elf druids are a thing. Because they’re dragons.

Also Dragons have taken on like every race now including Lightforged. So idk, it COULD happen, but I feel like if it doesn’t alot of ppl will be let down. Myself included.

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I wish I was from the bronze or Ruby lineage because of my favorite sexy waifu who censored me in HotS than Alexxtrassa and that’s why I hate moba so much.

But black dragons? that’s racism Blizzard .

WoW has copied FFXIV in the past but that definitely isn’t one of them.

You realise FF14 didn’t invent Dragons right? … Not to mention Dragon Isles has existed in game files since Vanilla - as have Dragons with humanoid forms too + standing bodies with Dragonlike features (The Drakonid) have also existed since Vanilla — So ‘copying FFXIV again’ is a massive stretch - If anything, on this subject: FFXIV copied WoW with Dragons.

World of Warcraft Vanilla: 23 November 2004
FFXIV Heavensward: 23 June 2015

Plus heaps of fantasy games dabble with Dragons, if one or another MMO do a Dragon-themed expansion I’d hardly call it ‘copying’ they’re just rocking a genre people love to play with.

Ion also said in an interview that they were probably going to do a more grounded, Azeroth focused expansion before going into more celestial stuff.

We will see soon enough!

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Great if the grounded expac suceeds they will stop this cosmic nonsense. I dont want warcraft starcraft edition.

Or a Steamscale Incinerator with Mechagnome form!!!

Initiating countermeasures :robot: :hammer_and_wrench: :toolbox:

Maybe the humanoid form will be called “Dracoform”

Anyone get the reference? Doubtful but Im throwing this out there anyway!

Fast Times at Elfmont High

Chromie, most of the Bronze Flight actually, are a mixture of gnomes, humans, and elfkin.

The one that helped Garrosh with his time shenanigans also masqueraded as an orc.

It goes without saying at this point that sentient dragonkin can choose what their humanoid appearance is.

If they make black dragonkin playable, there are going to be a lot of Xxdethwngxx’s running around.