How addicted to the GD forum are you?

well you know the one you are responding too

What about the one they’re responding to? The one whose discord is half people who don’t even play WoW and with the rules of no talking about the forums? Even the other two people who “spied” on the discord have said we don’t talk about people here and have rules. No need for the passive aggressive, Norinila.

I mainly visit the forums to ease my boredom in between queues. I like seeing what others think about certain topics.

I tend to go for long periods of time never even looking at the forums followed by a week or two of participating regularly. I don’t have any notifications though and wouldn’t look at it on the job.

The forums are alright but after awhile its just the same topics over and over again and that gets boring.


me not wishing to even speak with you is not really a passive aggressive thing
also i know where you got that idea from. also i never got a chance to speak with you as to why i left the discord i wasn’t a spy you seem to be implying that.

and yeah you had a discord that went after people…you did
you dont get to come here and pretend to be miss innocent

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Your hinting to someone else of wrongdoing that doesn’t exist is what I was referring to.

What idea?

I wasn’t speaking of you. I said two other people.

I didn’t. Murloc Spot never went after anyone. In the very beginning when there were like 80 people there was an incident where people tried to complain about this place. It was quickly shut down with rules. No one goes after anyone. No one cares.

You don’t get to come here on an alt to get around ignores and pretend to be innocent either. I don’t come at you. I don’t talk to you. But you’re another who always comes at me.

Y’all need to learn to ignore my existence.

i’m not pretending anything btw everyone knows my alt it’s not a secret and there you are again trying to make this is to something it’s not

and liar you came at me weeks ago over a post i like by mistake and tried and was kinda successful sadly to start some bs.

try to remember your own actions plz

I don’t know who “everyone” is, but it sure isn’t anyone around here. Mostly because most of us don’t keep tabs.

Glass houses and all that.

I didn’t come at you. I called everyone out for liking the post. And then promptly muted the thread.

Again, glass houses.

Have a better night.

Correction we will put on ignore all of your nasty alts: Thallia/Rhielle/Winston/Sendryn.

so you set up drama over what ultimately was nothing then run off
aka you kame at me

Hiding on another alt, Rejel?

Please do put me on ignore. Forever is my preferred option.

:person_shrugging: As Skalpy said, it’s a good way to procrastinate.

  • However time to time there’s also some entertaining ideas, or discussions – so its a good time filler too. :slight_smile:

So if I’m waiting for an event to start, a dungeon to pop, or even a raid to fill etc – Much akin to what Tovi said too, it’s a mildly entertaining / time-biding thing to do when things are slow. :yum:

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I measure addiction based on whether I can live without something, and I can definitely live without the forums. It’s just fun to browse and post. At least until it’s not and then I move on to something else.

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I started on the forums back during Wrath I think it was. I think I had only read them during BC idk. Haven’t stopped since. I’ve had to take breaks because of irl stuff. Most recently, my third surgery this year.


Im not as you can tell by my post count. Im a lurker.

I’m not Rejel. But I read what you said about yourself:

I do remember you as being involved in some negative behavior and being trigger happy with flagging anyone you disliked. So putting all your alts on ignore. Now you won’t exist in the forum anymore. Bye, bye.

And used the same names in slashes, including an incorrect one, in the same manner. So yes, you are.

Awesome, thanks! Finally someone with some common sense. lol

This is not a friendly forum, geez. What are you trying to do give 4Chan forums competition?

I used to be a lot more active on the Forum but lately I’ve found it a bit of a slog. I’ve had a few comments flagged and removed over the last few weeks, inoccuous stuff that makes me think the application of the forum ‘rules’ is way stricter than it used to be. But then, it is oddly uneven; very mild comments can be removed, while aggressive and frequently nasty ones seem to stay up.

I’ve wanted to continue to interact as I’ve frequently found it fun and in order to keep my R3 I need to do a certain amount of that interaction but any drive to do that is being worn away. I suspect a lot of the older long-term players and forum attendees have stopped participating due to the ever-increasing amount of nasty stuff that goes on, which is sad. I’ll probably try to keep the rank by just scanning posts, ticking some hearts and being very conservative in any comments but the real me talker will likely be moving on soon.