How addicted to the GD forum are you?

Why was your topic reported?

I check it before bedtime and while pooping. Can you guess which one I’m doing right now? (Hint: it’s the afternoon)


So you’re saying I gotta step it up

These are amateur moves. I have the forums tattooed to my corneas.

This one person reports all my threads. Most get reinstated. Really a nasty sort of personality.


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I want playable spider mommas

please support my thread. It is better than this one.

I’d be offended but I’m well aware I’m not one of the good people

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Some think I’m not good people but I try to be.

You know, you keep coming at me and I have no clue who you are or what the problem is. If you want to talk about this or work it out, you can get a hold of me in game. You know how.

Quite often, I see you post to attack me and I have never said a word to you. But you keep doing it. Not once have you ever tried to approach me to fix anything or work anything out. Maybe try that instead of whatever this is?


I poke around when I’m subbed and I don’t when I’m not.

I post when I have something to say, which is both frequent and infrequent. I was swapping characters fairly frequently because I wanted a character that was my main to represent me, but I don’t really have a main character these days, so I’ve opted to stick with my bank alt. Pretty sure she’s the one I have the highest Trust level on.

I tend to post in threads asking what our favorite zones, NPCs, or personal characters are. Sometimes someone asks for help and I drop a response easily, as I don’t want to be rude telling them to “Google it”.

Besides that: The familiar faces. It’s nice seeing the same people post on a regular basis. Some people are funny, some are insightful, and then there’s situations where people are acting so ridiculously that I just have to laugh at it.

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I know of one discord that will insult and rage about forum users. They once said they’d use Twitter friends to flag posts, but those friends stopped playing the game. But I don’t think the flagging thing is something they do often. They mostly just get really bent out of shape about people in their own private space. I don’t really see it come to the forums much unless they dogpile someone every once in a while. Otherwise, there is no other discord that I have heard of that does this. It’s not some rampant issue that some seem to make it out to be. And if it stays in their own private space, there is no real problem, imo.


Interesting. That seems like entirely too much effort for something so inconsequential as the wow forums. I can confirm I’ve certainly never been a part of any coordinated flagging.

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Oh, I’ve tried. I’ve cried, begging you to stop at one point doing what you have done to me all these years. You put friends against me, lied, deflected to protect your precious status on these forums. Now if you cannot think of who I am giving you that piece of information that’s a sad way to go to sleep at night.

Same to you.

Or at least trying to work it out with me. I’ve worked out stuff with others before. I’m always open to trying to work things out.

Uh… what?

I have no “status.” I’m absolutely no one and hold no value to this place. I don’t send people after anyone. I don’t know who you think I am or what you think I did… but it sounds to me like you’ve got me mixed up with someone else.


I can’t get a hold of someone I don’t even know.

I mean, I dont even play the game anymore and I still pop in. Wouldn’t say it’s addiction. At one time I heavily enjoyed the game and and I still do like certain aspects of it. Even with how much I feel it’s pretty dunkable right now. I’m still interested in where the game’s gonna go and what people have to say about it.

More than anything I’m addicted to eristics. And this just happens to be a great venue.

This is just hits me wrong. You first say that you are friends with a few regulars and acquaintances with others, then you proceed to bad mouth them. Why are you friends or acquaintances with people you would say are awful, coordinate drama and flags in discord? Why do you come to a place that you see as awful?

The forums are just a microcosm of the world at large. For me this place is pretty okay but I don’t bother with X (Twitter) and I don’t really go on discord. This means I skip most, if not all, of the drama. The best thing about these forums is that they are a safe place to learn the art of not caring. Of, “So that is your opinion and this is mine”, then keep it moving. Or just learning how to add people to your Block Party (here it is ignore). You don’t have to talk to who you don’t want to. You don’t even have to see their post. It is pretty okay here compared to a lot of the forums I have been on.

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and this is why im on the forums lol. i mean just sit down and actually think about
how ridculous this all sounds and i know you arent lying bc many of us are well aware of the discord lol.
this damn place is a circus from hell but its funny sometimes, well most times.

like…imagine a discord to talk crap abt forum users…on WORLD OF WARCRAFT
its comical free comedy.

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I never had a character named Winston. There was a Winston that people claimed stalked someone in game. The Gnome I had was Winsten and on a different WoW license for my angsty niece— which she only had for a year before she got banned from all electronics.

Good to know we got that cleared up at least.

Shame you keep hiding, but if you want to play games instead of actually working things out, then I’m not interested.

I don’t have the energy to care as much as some of them seem to do.

Yeah it is kinda funny that people would do that. Yet they do, and it’s really very sad.

It’s really funny how obsessed they are with the idea that you’re obsessed with attacking them lol.

Every day Im here I remember why I left in the first place, but it’s either scroll here or scroll news feeds which is all political BS.