Am I gonna get kicked for playing this spec because my dps looks low?
If you do, it’s because your group is braindead.
That said, details are very inaccurate. Logging is the only way to really see your damage contribution.
Good news is, you can’t see how bad you’re doing and neither can you group!
nioce! this is what I was hopin for.
Hasn’t details been updated to kind of sim how much you are helping your group? I see aug with their actual dps bar then a pale bar that seems to be implying how much they would be doing with their group buffs if it was their damage.
Or am I reading this wrong?
I tried Aug (in dragonflight) and opened up a spreadsheet and tried calculating my damage contribution. I felt like I had high uptime on buffs (and I did), but my damage contribution was REALLY bad. I came to the conclusion that my mastery was super low, and that’s a huge part of damage. Idk if it’s still the case, but do keep in mind that Vers is kinda gimped for aug (I had like 35% verse).
It does if you sort by damage and not DPS, though it’s not clear to me how accurate it is.
I was wondering about the accuracy, myself.
yea, it does a like translucent bar that fills past your dps. I don’t know that it is super accurate though?
either way, it at leasts gives you something which is more than nothing.
I have auto log set up, so I’m always logging.
Details isn’t remotely close to reality, the sim bar is trash.
Details does as good a job as an addon can do to estimate how much damage is dealt came from your contribution, if that’s what you’re asking. It’s just a matter of people being able to see the faint “real dps” bar instead of staring at the solid “look how bad your damage is” bar.
The transparent bar isn’t even remotely accurate.
Logs are the only way to get an accurate dps report.
Got any logs you could show me? I would be interested in seeing this.
I couldn’t decide on a main for the expansion so I’ve been hopping around leveling diff classes. My aug evoker is about level 60ish and it’s the most fun I’ve had. Not only that but I feel super helpful in group content. Not only am I buffing the tank and dps I have a lot of off heals so I’m helping the healer as well. It’s truly one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had in group content. Your not doing a lot of healing or dps but your helping the group succeed which is all that matters. This is the first true hybrid class I’ve enjoyed and I’m prolly going to main it.
I havent run any aug dungeons recently because it’s pointless in heroic and I can get insta queues as pres, but it’s a significant difference. You could end a run in 3rd for details approximated dps and actually be the top dps.
The estimation is just a crude estimate of your dps contribution via buff uptimes, it’s not actually collecting real data on your dps contribution.
Running the logs companion app with raiderio app autolog is the easiest way to never have to touch your logs but still have them collect the data if you ever want to look at it.
It isn’t. Log checking is the only true way to know with accuracy.