The Blizzard Anniversary Phoenix is cool and all…
But here’s a suggestion:
If you have this one and you have Al’ar…
You get a recolor of this mount with Al’ar’s colors like the Kael’thas Mage Phoenix minion.
This would be so cool
The Blizzard Anniversary Phoenix is cool and all…
But here’s a suggestion:
If you have this one and you have Al’ar…
You get a recolor of this mount with Al’ar’s colors like the Kael’thas Mage Phoenix minion.
This would be so cool
Yeah, their comparison of Al’ar to the anniversary mount was just weird. Like yeah, they’re both birds. That’s where the similarities end. An actual fiery phoenix would be way cooler.
I barely even notice a difference between the lame anniversary bird and that other promotional mount that was out awhile ago (one of the few I never bothered with, really boring imo).
A new ashes mount could have been stellar, with the trails updated and all.
Would have been loved by many people.
Best chance for Midnight.
It’s such a strange comparison. This mount looks way more like the 6mo mount from like 2 years ago than anything close to Alar which is iconic.
The fact they mentioned it at all makes me want a blue Al’ar recolor, which I didn’t know I wanted until they talked about it, way to disappoint me blizz
Ashes of Alar has some time-relic trivia associated with it regarding Ezra Chatterton.
For that reason I think it should be left as is, not revamped for modern day.
PS I’m pretty sure the comparison to Alar was about the colorful ‘tendrils’ that drape backwards from the wings while flying.
This what they should be doing with no longer obtainable mounts/pets and ones with extremely low drop rates.
Just update the model.
Those that got the original years ago keep their original dated model and those whining about wanting things to come back are able to get a better version.
That’s a win win.
What if you just turned into a shooting star as a mount with random cosmic powers trailing off it
I bet everyone and their mom would want that mount