How’s the gearing process on a fresh 80?

I recently moved over to classic from retail

you run heroic dungeons until a bit over 210 ilvl (unless you are a tank then i highly recommend waiting until 220) and then run Gamma dungeons.

from heroics you will get badges of triumph to buy TOGC vendor gear, after you can run gammas you will get Scourgestones to buy ToGC 25N items as well as some Uld 25H gear. can also convert scourgestones into Sidreal Essences to buy Uld 10H gear

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Yea. You’ll only get kicked if you’re bad. People spamming the forums saying it is a massive problem getting kicked for low gear… never happened to me. You do well, you wont get kicked. That’s it.

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People kick you if they don’t like your style more than if you don’t have the gear. Skills isn’t even known half the time…

Can’t really gauge a players skill from a one time perspective in a 5 man. But just like in high school they KNOW who they like and who they don’t within seconds.

Depends I assume if you do it with your guild or you pug. With a guild it was a blast obviously, spamming gamma for sourgestones. I assume with pugs, as always, your milage will vary.

Well I had one of my friends claim that he was kicked simply because group lead didn’t like the way he was specced. Everything else was okay… But… some people are just happy to go out of their way to find a reason to make a big deal out of nothing.

Farm honor for a full set/weapons of item level 238 and then do daily ICC Heroics for emblems/gear and then farm up scourgestones to get trinkets and then replace those pvp pieces as you go.

People out here saying do heroics is laughable, nobody is doing normal heroics anymore and the amount you’d have to run to get enough emblems to buy anything is gonna be comical.

Honestly, and i’m not being rude, just google it.
There are 100’s of forum and reddit threads on this very same subject.

pug raids.
find guild.

Sure… Also some tanks pull fast and hard. They don’t stop much for the healer to drink and stuff? Should that matter if the tank can handle it? Can the DPS stay alive with a mana burned healer?

Then you have slow folks not keeping up or not doing much DPS. Just taking their time and not trying to die.

In the end it’s all about taste and style and to some extreme communication…

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can only confirm.

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faster than it’s ever been all expansion.

Same as usual, you farm BGs/WGs, stack high level resilience gear, then go straight into the highest difficulty dungeons/raids. You do not bother farming outdated content because the honor vendor always presents a faster/better route after P1.
(4:20 PM 10/22/2023)

“Uh what ???”

What is this new bit lol

Easy way to get kicked

Only by people with a giant stick up their as like you.

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Agree with the people ssying getting kicked isnt an issue.

90% of players do 1 interupt per dungeon and do so very little in the way of incoming damage avoidence or mechanics and seldom get kicked. I just geared fresh 80 to 4500 gs and its been pleasent outsdie of a few runs.

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I’m curious if anyone has calculated this already.

It took me about 90 IoC games to get a full furious set + relentless off-set pieces (and I got lower ilvl rings because of the options available). Some of those were sub-80 games though since I capped honor pre-80 and sub-80 games are less honor per game.

If I did 90 heroic dungeons and got say 6 emblems on average per run I’d get 540 emblems.

I think the main advantage of honor is that you can pre-cap honor before you get to 80 rather than how efficient it is vs. heroics post 80.

I jumped into gamma’s immediately in 100% PvP gear and was never kicked.

I already found your problem lmao.

WG awards like 9K-18K honor.

And AV during AV weekend gave like 4K per win (though, Horde rarely won :unamused:)

Another thing, I always see people at like 71 do WG. So you can start amassing that honor right as soon as 71 maybe even 70. So while you’re not even 80 yet already working towards a full set.

I have no idea why you’d do IoC of all things.

I did IoC because it was IoC weekend the week before ICC patch released and I just finished leveling and getting a full honor set before the patch came out.

As far as I can tell WSG weekend is garbage for sub-80 Alliance. I tried it on my current lowbies and every bracket is full of Horde twinks and no Alliance twinks.

Yeah, WG is the thing to do every 3 hours.

And outside of that I think even out of AV weekend it’s probably worth just spamming AV anyway. Short 5 minute matches, 10 at most. And at absolute worst case scenario if it devolves into a big turtle match, that’s just HK farming so it’s not like, a disaster.

But more often than not it’s just zug zug to drek/vann