Hovering over the "Restore Deleted Character" button no longer shows how many days you have remaining

Prior to pre-patch, when hovering over the Restore Deleted Character button on the character select screen, it would give you a tooltip telling you how many days you had left until you could restore another character. That tooltip is now gone.


Same for me. The option to restore a deleted character is faded out and there is no tooltip.

Same for me, hopefully it get’s addressed soon. I was supposed to be able to restore soon but now I don’t know. I only hope when the 7 days is triggered the button will turn red.

I’m also experiencing this issue. I have a character available for restore, but it’s still greyed out.

(post deleted by author)

I’m supposed to have one available for restore tomorrow too, and can’t even see how long I have.

I was able to restore a character last night. The button was no longer greyed out.

The issue with the tool-tip missing for the remaining time is still missing.

I’m glad you were able to get yours to work, mine on the other hand is still not and I know I have a restore available atm, hopefully soon.

This problem is still going on for me, no time on the restore deleted character button

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The issue is still here. It’s also been longer than the required cooldown time since my last un-delete. I keep hearing about Blizzard’s many "w"s but nobody is talking about their complete disinterest in getting bugs fixed. Deftness still not working outside of mining, the dryad title gone, zone lag, character undelete… come on Blizzard. At least respond so we know you know about it.

Just a reminder, bug still remains.

Might not be a bug but a silent way to get some people to continue playing the game. and not just coming back to restore a character. You dont know when u can restore hence you need to have the game open to check. increase some kind of numbers which can be used to sell to stock holders, etc. Thats MY guess anyways.