Hover interaction that needs to be changed

If you were to drive a hovercraft off a 300’ cliff … you’d die.

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If said hovercraft also came equipped with parachutes, I’d deploy them instead of whining that said hovercraft should just float on its own.


Waterwalking and Path of Frost say hello. Many lives were lost in Blackrock Foundry after Operator Thogar or before the first boss of Neltharion’s Lair, jumping down a large drop into a body of water only for people to die because of a death knight or shaman decided they should. Hover more or less serves as Waterwalking while it is active while also allowing casting while moving but it doesn’t stop fall damage, that is what Glide is for.


The death toll that my shaman racked up from water walking my party when jumping down after mistcaller in mists of tirna scythe is astronomical.

What a time that was.

Have still had some fun getting everyone zoning into the ToT maelstrom this season though.

Sometimes. Not often, perhaps once every blue moon. Rarely. I will hover and fall into a body of water without hitting spacebar.

I am always surprised pikachu face whenever it kills me instantly. It’s really funny though. I think it happened to me in halls of infusion on a run back.

purely from a logic standpoint, hover should negate fall damage. fall damage happens when you hit the ground. While hovering, you are always a few feet above the ground.

They don’t need to add a slow-fall to it, but they should at least make it negate fall damage. We know they can do it because of feline grace, bouncy racial, and whatever the rogue equivalent is called. if they can put a .8 multiplier on fall damage while in cat form, they can put a .0 multiplier on hover.

From a logic standpoint, this is incorrect. If it’s not making you immune to gravity or slowing your fall, then it shouldn’t negate fall damage.

If you were to ride a hovercraft off of a cliff, you would still crash when you landed on the ground.

There’s also the bigger part where you can just… Ya know… Hit your space bar.

at what point do you hit the ground while hovering?

and to be clear, i’ve never died to fall damage while hovering. I have taken granular fall damage from going over short cliffs and stuff, which i find annoying considering my animation shows me in the air the full time, but not that big a deal.

I just feel that everything about hover reads as “you are flying just above the ground” which-- how do you hit the ground if you’re supposed to be a few feet above it?

You brought up logic as your reasoning, so I’m just telling you how hovering logically works. Hovering just creates uplift over the ground you’re currently on, it doesn’t negate the effects of gravity.

If something that’s hovering drops a great distance, the effect of hovering would at most cushion you a slight amount riiiight before you got absolutely obliterated.

Hovering isn’t even theoretically possible without something directly under you to create said uplift, so it shouldn’t even be usable in the air.

I mean, helicopters hover. Hummingbirds hover. And they can do so well above the ground.

If you’re talking specifically about a hovercraft, then yes, those things would absolutley crater if you took it off a cliff. And i will admit based on the interaction with how hover works in-game, and how it will let you plunge 1000 feet while active, it does seem like that might fit.

But then, a hovercraft is not a sentient creature with a sense of self-preservation.

I don’t really care that much one way or another because you’re right-- we can just hit the spacebar. But i still think it’s silly that we can take fall damage while flapping our wings and being several feet above the ground.

Neither is a player who thinks a spell needs a redesign just to not hit their space bar before hitting the ground, lol.

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Needs and wants are different things. Do we need it? I’d agree no, probably not. But wanting it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

Don’t tell try to convince the evokers on this forum that want and need are different things.

Now you’re just talking complete nonsense.

The title of this post literally has “needs” in it.

I was about to agree with you again, but then I realized that the forums is no place for agreement either.

Now you’re cooking.

The logic is I am literally flapping my wings to float off the ground. If I hit water, what am I crashing into?! Explain the logic there.

Oh I have no excuse for the water fall damage, that shouldn’t be a thing if it’s not when you’re normally falling.

That said, space bar is still an easy fix lol, but yeah that’s just lazy coding.

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The only reason hover works on water is because it applies water walking to the player. This is also what causes it to treat the water as solid ground if you fall onto it with hover.

Yeah I mean I’m still team “hit your space bar 4head”, but it still seems like a poor interaction.

That said, I’d much rather keep the water walking component and just have basic common sense than lose it.