Housing ideas

Continuing the discussion from Building in Azeroth: A First Look at Housing:

Blizz should let us be able to use all that leftover currency just sitting around in our accounts (like apex crystals, war resources, ect). Maybe create housing items from each expansion those currencies were used in & be able to spend them somehow for decorating. Or donate some currencies towards neighborhood decorations. Everyone can vote on like 5 different choices each month & unlock something to add somewhere. The recycling options are endless.


Wow…this is actually a good idea. Congrats.

Have houses base on our character race not all was default human and orc buildings

A great housing was in the old game of Ashron’s Call. You could go to different set areas where housing was located and purchase a house. they house had hangers on the walls inside and out and a storage chest. Also had hook points on the floors and ceiling. all would be locked and access by the player, but you could give permissions to others. There was a monthly fee to keep it up or it would become available and the next to purchase it would also get all the loot. Was the best system I thought. they also had guild mansions, which could only be purchased by a guild leader and cost much more for the upkeep. but you had more players to contribute. Enough of the other game. We already have a garrison which has not been relevant since it came out. Why does Bizzard keep giving us things which have no use when the next patch come out? We should be using them and adding a house to the location and upgrading the systems already there. Each patch we can get up grades to make it playable for each patch. So much potential wasted for no good reason other than no one thinks of these things. We already have all the function working there but just need the little push to make them great.

I have no doubt that we will eventually see decos on all of the vendors across all expansions. It’s a great way to get people back into old content. :slightly_smiling_face:

While I support an idea like this, I can also see why it would be a bad idea from a developer point of view.

Players are animals. lol

So what would instantly happen, is that people would declare that old content is now “mandatory” to get X reward, or they would figure out which old currency is the easiest to exploit, to get all said rewards as fast as possible, and in turn it would create more complaints from whatever group doesn’t want to do that content anymore. EVEN IF it’s all optional, and even if it’s just cosmetic.

That is just how players operate. So unless there is like a guaranteed way to prevent that, It feels like more work than its worth to allow that type of change.