House on Faerlina!
10 man Hard Modes: All but Agalon
25 man Hard Modes: Flame Leviathan, XT, Thorim, Freya, General, and Yogg 1 light. (Hodir 2:20 with 3 offspec healers and IC at 3%)
Raid Times
Wed/Thurs/Sunday 8:00pm-11:00pm EST. Raid invites start at 7:30 EST.
We are open to raiders who can only make 2 out of 3 days. We will make sure you get all of your achievements and gear!
Sundays are removed as we clear content faster. We do not plan on split raiding even with time left during the week. We like to prevent burnout by decreasing hours invested over a tier.
About Us
has raided together since week one of Classic World of Warcraft launch. Our guild is casual, but still completed all content throughout in its pre-nerfed state. We have a fun and mature core of players who have turned into a community over the past three years.
is recruiting for its 25m raid team for WotLK. Our goal is to maintain a casual guild atmosphere with high expectations for raiding performance. We’re focused on keeping hours invested at a minimum while still pushing content. We do not plan on split raiding or doing any similar hardcore type of time investments. We expect a high performance level equally from all of our raiders.
wants players who are self motivated for raid achievements, execute hardmodes, and are committed to smooth progression.
Goals by Phase
Phase 1 (Naxx) - Immortal, 3-drake Sartharion, and heroic dungeon achievements. Achieved 10/30/22
Phase 2 (Ulduar) - Zero Light Yogg Saron, Agalon, and glory to the Ulduar raider achievements. 9/9hm 10man 6/9hm 25.
Phase 3 (TOGC) - A tribute to dedicated insanity and immortality.
Phase 4 (ICC) - Heroic Version and Glory of the Icecrown raider achievements
Phase 5 (Ruby Sanctum) - Heroic Version
*Naxx25/10 Glory of the Raider achievements done 10/30. Immortal ect.
We are looking for the following classes! (3 players total)
Warlock : Warlock
Hunter : Surv/Marks
Mage : Mage
Druid : Boomkin
DK : DK Dps
Priest : Holy Priest
Shaman : Ele Shaman
Loot will be determined via a Loot Council of the GM/raid lead and core officers, prioritizing gear based on player performance, attendance, and optimal raid team gearing.
Keeping an even average item-level amongst raiders is also important to us.
Apply on our discord! KfwMxr7 or reach out to Vince#8453