House of the Dragon S2

Didn’t see a thread for it yet so I figured I would start one. Feel free to post spoilers below. People that haven’t started it yet are now warned.

Kinda over GoT so I haven’t watched it yet. Watched season one, can’t remember a thing about it past that I watched it. Will probably get around to season 2 at some point. I guess?

I hear you. I’m pretty upset with the way things turned out for that show and maybe not for the same reasons as everyone else.

But I think Dragon is a better show because it focuses on only two houses. Maybe four? Mainly two houses and secondarily two other houses would be the best way to put it.

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Anyone who knows the Plot of the Books understands what Aemond’s fate will be:


Have his Kingdom taken by Prince Daemon and Queen Rhaenyra(who behead Otto Hightower) while he is assaulting Daemon’s current location.

He takes that location and is challenged by Daemon and Daemon kills him then both of their Dragons fall dead into the largest lake in Westeros while Daemon goes missing never to be seen or heard from again with it being in question whether he survived or not. I’m sure the visions he gets in the TV Adaptation will make him want to exile himself to atone for his actions regarding his family.

Daemon and Aemond both look like stereotypical Elves. They are the only ones who do.

Fitting that the one that is unscarred gets to live out the rest of his days in peace while the scarred one falls before his magnificence.

Aegon wakes up and becomes the Villain of the next Season and kills Rhaenyra while going out of his way to make sure her Son remains without heir despite sparing his life.

Eventually he is killed by a rebellion(considering they moved very quickly to Viserys’s ascension to the Throne and his death I suspect it will be in the same Season he kills Rhaenyra) and Rhaenyra’s Son Aegon becomes King in his place. His mother gets confined to Maegor’s Holdfast to live until a fever kills her.

In short everyone but Daemon and his Son dies. Daemon’s spot in the succession was denied him by his brother for his snarks concerning his dead nephew yet in the end Daemon’s Son gets the throne not Rhaenyra’s Bastards. I imagine Viserys would be rolling in his grave at the realization.

Daemon’s Son gets an unhappy life alas and is eventually taken by consumption at 36…

Daemon was 39 when his Son Aegon the 3rd was born and disappeared 10 years later.

He would be 75 when his Son died. If he lived longer than that then he would have witnessed the rise of King Daeron who ruled for 4 years and his brother King Baelor the Blessed(Daemon would have been 79 upon his ascension) who ruled for 10 Years only to die leaving Daemon’s Youngest Viserys II to take the throne(Daemon would have been 89 when that happened) and rule for 1 Year then die as his son Aegon the Unworthy took the Throne.

Aegon is the father of Lord Bloodraven who eventually took the Kingship over the Kingdom while possessing Bran Stark after Daenerys in Game of Thrones was Queen for a Day(the sort of thing Daemon would joke about).

Considering how fast it took to get to Viserys’s rise I suspect that Baelor the Blessed will be on the Throne before 3rd Season’s end.

Lord Bloodraven was a Greenseer though with Daemon’s visions(which make him a Greenseer and thus a Warg) and supernatural events surrounding him it wouldn’t surprise me if the Show ends up with Daemon Warging into him ensuring he wins the Game of Thrones and gets what he deems his birthright.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Bloodraven was infact Daemon’s legitimate offspring rather than Aegon the Unworthy’s Bastard and that Aegon pretended he was illegitimate to hide his true destiny while setting up his rise to the throne that is rightfully his to Aegon’s mind.

The 3-eyed Raven Daemon becomes the Prince Who Was Promised.

Of course if Daemon is indeed the true identity of the 3-Eyed Raven he would go out of his way to make sure he gets a Body that resembles his old self raised under the name Daemon before writing a confession to being Lord Bloodraven(though not to being Daemon as that would be too big of a clue to him not being remorseful) and offing Bran’s body as he possesses the elected successor King Daemon who sits on the new Throne while played by Matt Smith looking smug on his throne.

No doubt all those creepy Greenseer Visions he has been having this Season(so far young Rhaenyra whom he beheads and his Mother Alyssa whom he beds) foreshadow this plot point with the last one(not yet shown) likely showing him being killed by a copy of himself who takes the crown from him and sits on the throne.

His Vision of Rhaenyra being beheaded is him ensuring his family line is decapitated when he reveals Jon Snow’s lineage and his vision of bedding his Mother is a vision of him impregnating the mothers of his later bodies.

Was Daemon being the 3-Eye Raven in the book or just you guessing? Your reply is kind of hard to follow and I haven’t read Fire and Blood yet.

I was under the impression Daemon’s visions was from a combination of the Targaryen madness (being from a long line of inbreds) and Harrenhal, which is known to be cursed and haunted.

Just Harrenhal being haunted and preying on Daemon’s naked ambition and insecurity.

Daemon and the three-eyed raven aren’t connected at all, though I have to say I am growing immensely weary of watching him, one of Westeros’ great warriors, stumble around Harrenhal hallucinating all the time while the epically stupid Blackwood vs. Brackens beef gets this much air time.


Brynden Rivers, the bastard son of King Aegon IV, who was born 40 years after the Dance of the Dragons and was eventually Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, is the three-eyed raven Bran meets.

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Yea, I couldn’t get back into GoT after the horrible last few episodes. They ruined the entire franchise.

Ayra Stark taking out the Night King was so cringeworthy. I could not stop laughing yet it was one of the most pivotal moments in the entire series.


Imo it should have been Jaime. It would have brought his story full circle.

Lost his honor for killing his king then he would have regained it by killing a king.

Or would that be too much?

Anything, almost anything would have been better then how they actually ended his character.

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RIP Rhaenys :sob:

Yeah I think I’m done with GRRM. I don’t even care anymore about the books he’s never going to release.

Dany, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra were awesome characters but all had to die. I’m not someone that wants “girl bosses” in my books and movies but as a woman I find myself relating and following the female characters. I’m tired of my favorites getting snuffed out so I think I’m done with his material.

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Too much of this season was spent with Daemon’s weird visions and Alicent not really doing anything. Even the Blacks discussing things but then doing nothing. Can’t wait for the Battle of Harrenhal.

I have liked the dragons a lot. Vermithor decided to thin the Targaryen distant line a bit. Seasmoke being insistent on his rider. Silverwing seeing her’s almost like her child, lol. They did a good job on giving the dragons different personalities.


It’s pretty clear from last night that we’re going to have to wait a year or more, again, for the Battle of Harrenhal and First and Second Tumbleton.

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Do they just hire writer off the street?

If you get paid to be a writer, watch other shows, read other books, learn what the Monomyth is, and for the love of god provide a

  • Beginning
  • Middle
  • End

to every story, season, chapter, and book. It’s like…JOB NUMBER ONE. You had 2 years and this is what you came up with. God I hope these people get R O A S T E D.

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Same boring scenes almost every episode. This was a waste of time.


Never even saw 1 episode of season 1.

I thought about it but GoT …that last season and the final episode especially really soured me on the story.

I thought GoT was among my favorite shows of all time the first few seasons but man it went downhill in the end.

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The few scenes that featured the Dragons were good. but overall it seemed like a filler season. Maybe that was the intention because the showrunner implied the budget was be saved for season 3.

Which I guess makes sense because there should be three really big dragon battles but on the other hand, this show could have been two seasons.

Season 2 was focused on the death of Aegon’s son and the crippling of Aegon himself as well as him fleeing King’s Landing.

Season 1 is about Viserys and the start of the War via Lucerys’s death.

Aemond’s final battle with Daemon(whose body unlike Aemond’s will not be found leaving open the possibility of his survival despite going into hiding for unknown reasons possibly tied to his Dreams) will be Season 3 while Rhaenyra’s final battle with Aegon will be Season 4. Aegon’s assassination will be Season 5.

Where did you read there was going to be 5 seasons? The only thing I could find says 4.