House Forsaken Rp Wpvp Recruiting!

Newly xfed BACK to Emerald Dream!

Who we are:
We are a 4 year old guild that was created with IRL friends. We are a tight knit family and know each other by name. Quality over quantity. Most of us are smoke friendly ,socially drink on the weekends and bs in game. You can find us most the time in discord listening to music and bs’in.

What we offer:
We offer a semi active discord.(we are trying to get more active members on it)
Friendly members that help each other.We don’t tolerate drama of any kind. Granted all guilds will have some however we have a strict rule with it. Most if not everyone in game comes to the game to escape IRL and we strive to keep drama at a min.As it interupts the atmosphere others are trying to enjoy.

Role Play - We partake in the Horde RP community on a regular bases. New /old RPers welcome! We are currently setting up a walk up Hub in Org within the RP community. Get in touch with GM on this topic more. We currently don’t have a huge back story however we role play as the Horde that stand behind the Warchief Banshee Queen.

World PvP- We are going to be big on Wpvp and do world defense calls on guild mounts.

PvP-We run BG’s and plan to set up an RBG team once we have enough active 120’s to partake.

Casual Raiding-Right now we don’t have a raid team. However members within the guild usually raid with each other and their btag friends.

Mythic’s- We’ll run them as soon as we get enough 120’s within the guild to run them as a group. Otherwise those that are 120 run them either on their own or with friends in the guild.

Guild Pride- We’ll have guild mounts and represent the guild in good behavior during events.

Guild events such as yet not limited to:
(guild event times/ days are TBD atm due to building up roster)
Fish Soccer
Walking Dead Run
Xmog/Mount runs
Casino Night
Fight Club
Bar Nights with the Rp Community
plus more!

Guild repairs: At this time we do NOT offer guild repairs due to not enough members to contribute to the gold flow.

Guild bank: We do have all 8 tabs.

Guild Rewards: We have almost everything unlocked within the guild. (Mounts, xmog shirts, banners pets, etc.)

Every race and all levels are accepted within the guild.
Discord will be required to earn rank within the guild. We strive for a socially active atmosphere within the guild. No one wants to be in an empty guild being the only one online or in discord. We are looking for those that contribute to the guild as a whole and not just looking for what they can get out of it. If being on discord or partaking within the guild is a problem then this guild might not be the one for you.

I try to not to advertise things that we can’t come through on or promise to the community. Right now our discord is slow and our members I’ve recruited aren’t as talkative as I’d like. However we are still new and I recruit daily. It takes time to build a guild and to weed through the bad’s and find the good’s.

Officer spots are open please get with me if you’d like to fill that role.

If any of this sounds good to you please don’t hesitate to contact me in game on Siyue
Siyue#11718 btag

Happy hunting! For the HORDE!