<House> | Horde | Loot Council | KROMCRUSH | TBC Recruiting

House- Horde-Kromcrush (PVP)

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8 PM-11 PM EST (7 PM-10 PM CST, 5 PM-8 PM PST)
Weds/Thurs - Phase 1/2/3
Sunday is added on Sunwell Progression if needed.

About Us:
House is an established guild that started before the release of Classic World of Warcraft. We retained 70%+ of our players from week 1 until a week 3 Kel’Thuzad kill. In House we want to facilitate a place that showcases the great things every player has in them. This is a place for new players to learn what they love about this game and for veterans to teach them how to. We place the social experience in the center of our guild structure and want to be a place that harbors positive and meaningful gaming. To be successful in raiding we expect everyone to reciprocate the effort and help others when they can. People have a lot of love for this game and the passion should be motivating to log in each week and come prepared to raid at a high level.

Most of our raiders have high end experience in PVE and PVP. Our players routinely achieve Keystone Master/Mythic Raid on retail for fun and a few have Gladiator/High end RBG ratings in PVP. We treated Classic as an entry level expansion and invested a lot into players to play properly, so we are expecting a higher baseline of skill out of players in TBC if you are looking to apply.

Loot Council:
Our system goes out of its way to ensure that people who invest the same amount of time… acquire the same amount of power through their items. You can expect to have nearly identical power to somebody who raids the exact same hours as you.

Why Loot Council?
Anyone who has played in a DKP guild with bidding knows of its issues. Colluding and bid inflation is always exploited in DKP bidding systems and guarantees power level discrepancies between players who might have raided the same exact hours.
Example; All hunters agree to low bid items only good for hunters, every class has these items, and plan out who gets the items in order. They are able to exploit the system and hoard points for mixed class best in slot items. This is how cliques are formed and often make people resent each other when bid inflating.

Raid Expectations/Guild Focus:
If you plan to raid with us we expect the following:
1: Full knowledge of class, including research through class discords and all other available information. We love teaching people, so be ready to learn if you are new.
2: Commitment to a consistent raiding schedule. This means maintaining a 90% ratio.
3: Show up to the raid on time and ready to zone in/summon.
4: Progression and parsing runs will require full consumables. Consumables in Classic TBC are very important to a raids success, we have provided a full list in the #attune-consume tab in the guild discord. Haste pots, flasks, drums, ect.
5: A progression mind set. This means patience during wipes and always pushing the limits of your class. Min/max is important, especially when we progress through new content.

Classes Needed:
Classes Needed:
Warrior Protection: Closed
Warrior Fury: Closed
Rogue: Closed
Paladin: Closed
Mage: Closed
Warlock: Closed
Priest: Closed
Druid: Boomkin
Hunter: 1
Shaman: 1 prefer Resto

Our goal is to have a highly populated social core that allows the game to maintain its flavor even after the initial nostalgia wears off for most. While most people may raid log at a certain point, we want to provide players with motivation to log on and have fun.

How To Apply?
Go to our discord below and check out the Guild Information tab. You can find a full break down of our core philosophy and raid structure. If you are still interested and wish to be apart of our core, apply through the β€œapply-here” channel.



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Road House

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Bumping this post.

This is a bump to the post.

Dr Gregory HOUSE

This is a bump.

House by the ocean

Response is a bump.

bumpity bumpity

Bumping this post.

bumping the bumps

Bumping for exposure.

This is a bump for classic.

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El bumpityo

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Bumping this post.

This is a bump for the post.