Hottest female race in wow?

Im going to say it because you cowards haven’t yet.

Orc women are the most attractive.


Your the hero we need and want.

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Any lady who is blue. In no particular order:

Night Elf
DS/Zanda Trolls

As for the rest of you? :grimacing:


(Necroed this post)

Night Elf
Blood Elf

The other female races are from tolerable to bluh!

One time is fine

Second necro of the same thread consciously is questionable

Guilty as charge. Someone did it to me. Now it’s my turn.

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Being a short woman i feel like that’s saying any short woman or woman with dwarfism should looked over because of their height? because some sick guy linked short height to children?

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OBJECTION, the majority of R34 Draenei is not normal female anatomy.

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I’m clearly the hottest. But I guess that is subjective!

Ahem, Dragonflight races, Alexstrasza and Ysera. :grinning:

Pandas. All that fur is bound to make you hot in the summer.


You have not lived till you have seen vulpera 34

Anyone with doppelgänger abilities obviously have the significant advantage.

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Nightborne women. Period.

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<--------- :sunglasses:

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We’re still on fire.


Obviously dwarf women. Like why even question this?

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But certainly, not the one we deserved. You are our Batman.

I straight up don’t understand how threads like these are ok but the second someone says “hottest male race” it turns into a disgusting homophobia mosh pit.

Also, if you find any toon in this game hot then there is something wrong with you as a human.

I always found c’thun kinda hot…is that bad?

In all seriousness, I’d say the person who is unable to appreciate beauty in something so anthropomorphized and obviously designed with common standards of human beauty is the weird one.

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