Hots Dots n Thots, wed/thurs 7pm-930pm

Hots Dots n Thots (17/17 +3D P1, 13/14 w/ most HM’s P2) is LFM to fill out our 25M, HM Focused core! | Raids: Weds / Thurs 7-10PM ST with an optional 3rd day on Friday. | Loot is a Council Based system with equal distribution. | Currently Need: Multiple DPS & 1 Resto Shammy | PST for info and Discord!
Add theldine#1833 battle net i will accept requests and message you as i can when im not working


Can confirm, still looking for those specific classes.

With Ulduar coming, the raid times will be extended with both days mandatory for progression rather than make-up. If anyone has any questions or concerns feel free to hit myself or Cat up using whichever method necessary.

Thank you in advance.

Bump, bump, bump!

Looking for a Combat Rogue, Arms Warrior, and a Resto Shaman for our Ulduar raid!

Hots dots and thots----So we are looking for a couple of people to fill our core 25 group, combat rogue, arc mage, ret pally, boomkin theldine#1833 or one of the other tags to add, our 10m is missing a tank for the second group. 10m Tuesdays with Wednesday and thursday being ourain 25m days 7 server to 10server we do a light LC for loot run a discord. Taking all who want to have a place to run 5s or just hang out and be helpful but mainly looking for serious raiders to fill our dps. Looking forward to seeing you around space cowboy.

another guild with toxic players in it, out there speaking for the guild with their cancerous behavior, avoid this retail infected guild

you do realize im posting for wotlk classic right

hots dots thots, damn forums wont let me change which toon im posting from