Hotfixes - Updated October 5

Can y’all give an explanation why you are allowing locks to blast on 24 cylinders with no resource loss? Like I get mana is a vestigial meme that is only there for aesthetics and tradition for all specs besides arcane and healers. But maybe just maybe consider that the reason why locks are running out of mana is because they just do too much damage? And that running out of mana was a counter to relative-resource free gameplay (no doubt some 12/12M 5k io 3k 3s lock will get upset with this, I could give no bothers).

Just annoying how locks have been allowed to scale so hard at end of expansion for the past few (locks being the reason why y’all removed snapshotting with WoD, afflocks being healer/tank/dps monsters in antorus, destro/demo right now for arena/raid). Like give some much needed attention to other classes during this time. Don’t wait until 9.0.

dude… common already. -.-’

Dude please stop crying before someone posts the videos of +Mastery Rets 2-shotting people in PvP.

Warlocks are fine. L2Play.

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But Ret Pallies AoEing down entire groups of players in 2 GCDs is ok…

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Blame that on corruptions, it’s not just ret Paladins that can do this.

12.7% representation for destro, and has been steadily rising for months now.

There is a reason why dude.

imagine thinking ret is a “problem” on bfa.

clearly you don’t play ret or this is bait. :man_facepalming:

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LOL FUN DETECTED, probably due to the pally with 27 stacks of infinite stars.

You can pvp with masterful build but it’s not ideal if you want to do any meaningful rating, which is why they nerfed vers. As far as I’m concerned who cares about rbgs or queued bgs, all that stuff is meant to be casual anyway, the reward you get isn’t even worth doing either, it’s just to experience the content like lfr.

Mmmmmm…pally tears. Breakfast of champions

My arcane mage has been running out of mana all expansion long and I don’t even have high levels of haste. Please fix this too.


Because Affliction is a HORRIBLE PvP spec and Demo isn’t much better?

I thought it funny someone crying about another class when I’d just seen their class deleting an entire mob of players in 2-3 secs.

The dedicated dev for your class can’t even manage dots on more than 3 targets. Hence why UA was getting the change to 1 target earlier on in the beta. And since that is the case, no wonder the class does too much damage in the hands of competent people. The floor is too high in order to balance for players like the dev.

I mean, ya, you’re not wrong there. Let’s be real (like, really REAL) for a sec here.

Everyone should know by now how Destruction works and how it always, and I mean ALWAYS benefits from the power curve at the end of the expansion. Why? Because we are c-tier until at least the second set of raids if history tells me anything. Yes, we are powerful - but why? Cause corruption stacking - which anyone who knows how to farm essences is doing if they know their class.

It is NOT the players fault that Destruction gets an INSANE benefit from coefficient calculations later in the expansion when we can have a stat that gives us 80% bonus to haste on all gear. On next reset, I am buying 3 expedient 12% - bumping me from 60% to 90% (replacing one 6% --> 12% and then adding 2 straight 12%) and with the resistance cap going up again (now to 101) making the total resistance for me being 108 - obviously things are going to get insane.

You have to also figure other classes also benefit similarly (I saw that video of the ret pally going from 0 - 2400 2v2 using Infinite Stars 3 X 9 @ around 600 corr) so other people are doing. It is unfortunate you are facing the other end of it in PvP, but I am being honest, just stop trying to get the devs to change it - it is far too late and they just won’t. This is how it is every expac, and how it will be.


Yeah it’s just annoying how other specs just fail to get the attention with lack of proper scaling. Looking at prior trends and hearing others Windwalker is a chronic spec that tends to land flat end of expansion because it just doesn’t scale (I know for antorus it was good, remember alot of velf monks then). I’m ok that locks can start out bad and end up fine at the end roughly for like an expansion or 2 but not habitually for several. Just feels like the situation over in classic how people sort of lord it over others, because they picked a class/spec they knew was going to be better than others. Like come on dude, you aren’t better because of that. A bit left field but rotational balance could be something like NFL draft, you win the superbowl, however you get last pick in the draft. Although something like that punishes good behavior, and encourages what the 76s did for a few years with actively doing bad to try to become stacked later on (yeah I know a different sport).

Also right now I am unsure of what class to pick in shadowlands. If I wanted to “sabermetric” specs based upon data from mop till BFA, it would just be nonsensical to pick anything other than mage or lock. Yeah they may be dog doodoo at the start, but I should at least invest effort on the side throughout the first half while I play something enjoyable at launch. While getting ready for the likely time they’ll rise to be efficient to play in the second half of expansion. Cause right now just feels like wasted effort doing what I have done so far in bfa (and I can still do way more) when my winged+vita+EP+lucid divine storm barely tickles when compared to when the guild’s mage pops off with ignite on tight packed mobs. I would rather work smarter and not harder in the game in the final tier. Achieving goals more readily would then allow for jumping to alts, and catchup on old things. Right now makes me apathetic to the whole thing.

And as for the rextroy nerf, it’s sad that they put it in. Pvp is obviously just busted, and the moment they allowed corruption to be active in it, that is when it became too late to fix the situation. I would just allow more broken gameplay to counter on-going behavior.

Thanks for the reply, didn’t intend to be rude just upset.

trust me, i feel your frustration. If it is any consolation, when I am out doing my dailies / n’Zoth assault quests I get jumped by many alliance. Seems many people hate destruction warlocks atm and if they can gang up on us they will.

Destro is in a very interesting spot. I am curious to see how this all goes moving into shadowlands, even one of our legendaries appears to be something game-changing. Here’s hoping!

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the problem is out of a 2-5 v10 encounter the lock is always the biggest threat. everyone else doesn’t matter when its the class doing the damage. the only outliers is people running infinity stars gushing wounds and massive haste procs.

This wasnt a fix for locks. It was a fix for the prot paladins in arena running r27 infinite stars and literally 1 shotting everyone for 600k+ dmg with the 1st proc of an infinite stars.
Theirs a video of it on youtube. A prot pally 1shot his way to 2500 in 2v2 arena and now many prot paladins were doing this tactic.

Destro locks have been one of the top dps classes literally the entire expansion the last 4 expansions. Just most people dont notice because all the youtubers main affliction so everyone bandwagons affliction.