Hotfixes for Creatures in Island Expeditions

Mmm big doubt. I’m getting dubloons from almost every single island I run. It’s more surprising for me not to get them at this point.
Maybe I’m just extremely lucky? I doubt that though since the 2 mounts I have gotten are the 2 worst (jelly and dumb dead horse)

Hey what do you know…i have thoughts on these hot fixes and islands lol…still love yall though

Have you tried changing the camera angle there is a lot of glare and it always feels like i am looking up instead of being face to face.

I’ve gone on a 4 streak with nothing at all as a reward, so doubt all you want but RNG is RNG.

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last week i got all of 2 dubloons from all of my runs. i got a xmog piece and a pokemon i already had, but only 2 dubloons. week prior was only 3 and week prior to that 2.

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yeah no.

This buzz phrase has to end.

it’s like “it’s just alpha, chill.” “it’s just beta” and so on.

There’s no justification for decreasing the drop rate and not actually fixing the exploit that was afking to get loot, sure decrease it but actually find a way to bring it back the way it was not just leave it like that and be like “okay we see people do less high difficulties isles because twinks” while ignoring the HUGE feedback regarding loot.


Yep I noticed it tonight! Gonna fix going forward! Thank you so much!

One big thing to me, is how the AI teams cheat.

Like, the Mistweaver, Blood DK and Hunter. Having the hunter spam Binding Shot every 5-10 seconds is insanely dumb. These teams are meant to be an advanced AI based on player behavior, no? They should abide by the same spell rules we do.

The crabs that root you in place, I feel like the duration of that should be reduced to 2-3 seconds. It’s VERY unforgiving if you happen to fight some crabs during Naga/Dragons/Wind Serpents/<insert other thing with 100-150k cone attack that needs to be dodged>. Barring that, give the crabs the same Azerite Elemental treatment so they don’t all spam it and keep you rooted for 10-20 seconds nonstop.

The radius on stomp type affects could probably also be reduced slightly but that’s not a big issue.

Dubloons should be given by default. Maybe based on the difficulty. 5 or so for Normal, 7-10 for Heroic and 10-15 for Mythic. Or at the very least, make the Dubloon bags 100%, the amount they can give can stay random. It’s really disheartening to spam Islands for an hour or two with friends and literally walking away at the end with few, sometimes no Dubloons.

I think a new vendor should be added for Dubloons as well, or even multiple. Providing the ability to purchase EVERY possible drop from Islands. My friends and I run a lot of Islands every week on Heroic and occasionally Mythic. We trade our dupe pets, give away mog items we don’t want, etc… But it’s incredibly hard to target things due to the way drops work. Just base it off the other Dubloon vendor. Quest items = 100-200. Pets = 250-300. Toys = 250. Mounts = 1000. Mog items = 250-500 Or something(could always make these mog items bound to account). That way even people with bad luck can slowly work up towards getting what they want without having to resort to tossing potentially a few hundred thousand gold at the AH.


Might be the fact normal is very easy to do so on time wise normals can be done alot faster so i get rewarded more because of it or just pure luck here .

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Do the devs actually test Normal Islands vs Heroic+ or are you guys purely seeing this from statistic & metrics pov.

From a player’s perspective its pretty obvious why people would spam Normal instead of higher difficulty islands.


A 4 streak of getting nothing isn’t the same as claiming 7 dubloons over 3 weeks. What, did they run 3 islands lol? Yeah I will doubt

When will we be able to use PvP talents in PvP islands…?


They are so boring !
I really wish there was a difficult elite to kill at the end or something, you just dance around and then the island ends.

These are great changes. As a mythic Raider I’ve always thought to my self “theses mobs are over tuned” “I wonder how casual players feel about mechanics that take away character control for so long”

Good to hear they are being addressed.

As many others have said the rewards feel sub par. Specifically the amount of AP mythic islands give is not enough to make people run them.

Most people just do heroics for their weekly cap. And it’s hard to convince people to run mythic Islands with you.

Mythic islands should be give 500 ap per win.

RBGs and mythic plus and raids should give more AP as well so we don’t feel forced into islands.

Islands would be a lot more fun if the community didn’t resent them Becuase they are only source of AP.

RBGs first win should give 1500 ap. And 600 ap per win.

Mythic plus should give 500 ap per completion and 800 per completion above +15

That’s great.

Now hotfix the enemy AI which is completely bat#@% insane.

The dark iron enemy team is WAY OP with the stuns/roots/self healing and the general enemy team AI preternaturally beelines for the opposing team while ignoring any azerite (and therefore the actual objective). It gets old killing them when they’re not worth any progress.


That’s like telling someone with a fatal wound here have a band aid and two aspirin. All better.


From the player perspective, we have no evidence that higher difficulties offer better rewards. With all the secrecy around how rewards are obtained, we have no evidence anything we do as players contributes towards earning them. Engaging in events, targeting certain enemies, achieving victory. None of that seems to have any effect, nor any value. Rewards we can’t target might as well not exist. We have no way to work towards them. So, instead, the only value Island Expeditions provide is XP for leveling (normal only), and credit towards the weekly. Otherwise they’re basically just gold sinks. Players are just trying to get it done while wasting the least amount of time, and the least amount of gold in repair costs.


All of this is quite welcome. I have not had time to do IEs this week, but a week or so ago I recall getting tossed around like a rag-doll by those shielded monstrosities.

You’re missing my point, I’m saying that RNG sucks and it can lead to getting nothing. The poster I quoted was essentially calling another member a liar for saying they only received 7 dubloons over the course of running their IEs.

as a caster… if the dark iron team catches me alone… i might as well stand there and die… i cant get a spell off.

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