Hotfix for Warsong Gulch Queue Issue

just because horde have triple or more the numbers queueing means I don’t get to play with friends? nah you chose your faction deal with it

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or make new friends LOL

Bye? Maybe if enough quit the balance can get better. But for right now it looks silly to threaten quitting when YOU GUYS are the problem to begin with. You all chose horde for PvP racials, then stand back and get mad that Horde is overpopulated.

You are the problem… complaining about the problem. So yeah, quit. And maybe make it better for those that stay.

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imagine picking the lesser faction, everyone knows dwarves are the best

Okay. Keep blaming racials for being bad in pvp.

keep blaming imbalanced population and q times for losing AV’s to premades


no unfair advantage, no automation, and no bug exploits
bg numbers are in there for this exact reason and premades are easily doable within a guild which I have done before successfully
we could’ve all even used wow voice chat for it, qq more

Oh come on. Don’t act like jumping in a group and it queuing you should have happened. Idc how long queues are.

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There is no premades, just many many random alliance talking in discord… you want to talk to horde get your own discord or turn on speec function in wow…

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LOL AMEN, is it that hard to turn on voice on horde side? are you all muted in game or something?

This is very true. Something they forget too.

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While these honor farmers/rep grinders are here, it sure is. Once they all leave, there will be fun PvP matches.

There were Alliance queuing WSG like this.

the honor farmers will never leave as long as the honor gain is sustained

Horde don’t need premades to win. Most of our points are we like to queue with specific friends/guildies. We can queue and get in with random strangers and win np without voice.

For all you ding-dongs and dumb-dumbs on the horde positively CRYING over the Alliance “Premade Discord servers”

I wanna start by saying this… 1: These people aren’t pre-vetted. There’s really no application process… You don’t need to prove you’ve been R14 before. You don’t need to verify your equipment or talents.

2: You don’t queue with people you know, or if you do it doesn’t happen intentionally. It’s just a bunch of random people hitting the queue button with access to voice comms.

fun fact! You guys can do it too!! Just use the in-game voice chat!

Literally is NO different then joining a Discord server. Mute people. Promote people. Push to talk. Voice activation.

Even in these premade discord servers a lot of people just get their queue / number and then just turn their comms off and listen to music.

So chill out horde.

PS: Quit turtling. It’s less honor and more time for you. Just go back to the PvE race. Get back in your 20 minute queue like goodboys and go do some world farming. Wait for the queue. Rinse repeat. Thanks. :sunglasses:


I chose Undead because that’s what I’ve been from the beginning. Maybe the hardcore rankers/raiders did, but I sure didn’t… and plenty of others didn’t as well.

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You can do it too

Yeah, in TBC when they were originally implemented.

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