Hotfix for Warsong Gulch Queue Issue

And YOU get long queues because of Cross-realm AND because you’re Horde.

This isn’t the hardest thing to figure out. It’s basic arithmetic. You have more people on your faction that PvP.


End of story.

What about that needs changing?


Are the people who knowingly abused this going to be punished for exploiting WSG queues?

In a 15 year old game where literally all the game’s information is available in patch notes, and databases, this is completely unacceptable and to be quite real, Blizzard dropped the f***ing ball on this one.

Weeks worth of rankers have been exploiting this unintended mechanic in an ancient game. I won’t be buying TBC Classic if this is the reproduction value that you offer.


because server faction balance mattered in vanilla… not in classic apparently. surely blizzard knows best by following the retail path and just removing community and server identity from the original game.

There’s a difference between a vanish pull and outright pulling him solo, please learn the difference.


Balance was huge for both, but was not a thing either.

Some servers have it, some don’t.

The absolutism is a bit much these days where it HAS to be ‘this’ or ‘that’.

Balance was never going to be a thing EVEN IF the numbers across all server show Horde and Alliance even. The fact remains, again:

More players PvP on Horde.

Neither of which I am referring to and NONE of which require much effort.

see you in AQ war effort. let me know how it goes with imbalanced servers with 0 alliance/horde due to paid xfers.

I’d rather have it both fixed, enough of this nonsense tbh


Just release AB and BG weekend so atleast the meta changes from time to time.


Seriously. Do your f#cking job Blizzard.


I used to spend time to snowball people out, whisper 10 people to report afk and it would work but now I am over it, Blizzard needs to handle it and do it fast because the damage that is done is unfixable. They would have to go back and remove all honor & the spot in the bracket they go and recalculate where everyone landed. It’s a huge mess that BLIZZARD needs to make priority #1 on fixing. The longer it goes on the bigger the problem gets and it’s completely irreversible from the damage that’s already done! The time most of us put in is way more than we should esp with the holidays around yet the Botters/Exploiters/AFK Scripters/Auto Hotkeyers/Macro Recorders are ruining the brackets and it really pisses me off that Blizzard can’t put their foot down and resolve this issue now.

I understand ban waves but that’s too late! They’re not going to go back and give everyone new ranks after they remove them from the system. FIX IT NOW!


The people who abused this knowingly did so knowing it was not an intended game mechanic and was in actuality an exploit. This has the same implications as win-trading for honor.

This should be treated in the same essence of the honor-trading banwaves that went out a couple weeks ago. These players should be punished and deserve to lose a week worth of honor grinding. To knowingly allow these people to go unpunished flies in the face of everyone else who “Play nice, Play fair” philosophy that Blizzard takes a stance on.

You should always hammer down on exploits, insignificant or not because you will always have people who “Exploit early, exploit often” who KNOW that there’s a 80/20 chance that nothing will happen to them and reap the awards over others who don’t do so.


Dont do that, it will only result in your post deleted and ignored as well as a vacation.
Pull the names out, there is a proper path for this, but the forum is not it


Can confirm as well, ban every one of them.


except the queue system in place for classic is nothing like it was for vanilla back then… this is some retail like queue system…

The problem with this is it just forces us to do AV even more. My guild and I were using this queue trick to reduce our (9 man premade) average queue times from 20+mins to ~10mins. Then in order for it to be viable, we need to win 3 games an hour for it to be on par with the honor we get from AV. The honor was comparable, it wasn’t necessarily better but for us it was fun and we could actually play with our team mates/friends.

AV however, I’ve queued at the exact same time on both my accounts/chars and had friends queue at the same time and it is very very rare to actually get in the same game. Meanwhile I see whole swaths of alliance from the same servers and same guilds in AV working together.

These mechanics mainly serve to isolate me from my community.

I’ll also take this time to re-iterate what others have said, there’s tons of exploits still in AV. In my recent experience, if horde doesn’t stop alliance at galv, they just rush win every time, more often than not utilizing the exploit to pull Drek without warmasters, winning the game in 9mins or less.


Nothing is going to be done to the people that were ‘exploiting’. It was hardly an exploit, just some left over trash they didn’t remove out of their 8.0 client. It’s fixed now, it sucks you rolled on a server with a pool is 9000 players to rank up against

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Again, I’d be down for some reasonable fixes but some of this stuff is out of both our and Blizzards hands.

Implementing a 5 person queue up would work too, but the insanity behind absolutism is ridiculous.


LMFAO love all the complaining horde xD maybe if you guys cry enough they’ll add name changes too

cry more about it bud no one cares… oh no the one time alliance find something to cheese you guys and you cry like snowflakes grow a set and git gud lol maybe try countering the Drek rush ever think of that?! clearly you didnt :rofl:


How can one be so smug while their faction loses like 80% of the games and has terrible players?
