Hot Zones Would Be Nice

There are some zones that nobody bothers with anymore. I never see anyone out there. I know because I level a lot of alts.

What would bring players back to these zones? Make them hot zones for like a week at a time. Hot zones would be like, triple experience, triple reputation, and extra treasure chests.

What are the hot zones for this week?

Desolace, Hellfire Peninsula, and Twilight Highlands.

Would be nice…could essentially level from 10-30 in Desolace, then 30-50 quite easily in Hellfire and/or Twilight Highlands.

Every week it would shift to three other zones.

Would be nice if this were an option.


Actually a good idea… I feel like there’s a lot of locations that I go and fly over and be like “wow that place looks really cool… I wish I had a reason to level there.” It’d also maybe change the optimal leveling route and even make people level in long-forgotten zones… great suggestion mate.


Desolace is too desolate for me. It’s a pain to get to and I can’t stand zones that make me do an hours worth of questing before getting to a major hub with a resting area. Hellfire I actually do a lot there.

A zone I love but never see people in is Feralas.


Any zone I’m in is a hot zone. :kissing_heart:


Tanaris makes a great hot zone.

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Not a bad idea OP.

Additionally, they could add world quests to like, you know, the whole world instead of just the current expansion zones


It’s a good idea.

Anything to make the world feel like things still go on.


Hopefully when we come back from the Shadowlands the world will be vastly improved, at least content wise. I would love so much for the rest of the game to get the same graphical makeover that Darkshore and Arathi got. Would be cool if the Night Elves reclaimed Dire Maul and made it their capital too, though being it’s so far from Hyjal I doubt that would happen.

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It would change every week.

Best idea to come out of GD.


Ohhh you mean non SL zones :+1:


This could work too for leveling characters

As a buff? Like the DMF buff so you can get more rep from other places? I don’t think many players will care about whatever rep is in Desolace.

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Some people are tabard collectors…are there tabards in Desolace?

I don’t think there’s a Desolace specific tabard but there’s quests that give rep with factions that do have tabards. There will of course be some that go there for other random things, myself included. One of my goals is doing all possible quests in wow, also to collect all transmog so I’ve been to Desolace many times lol.

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First idea I’ve seen in awhile that I actually like.

Would be nice to have a reason to explore Azeroth again.

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Not often you see good ideas in general, like people requesting a Bard class. Absolutely awful idea.

This though… This is actually a great idea. Dropping a heart on this one.

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big yes from me.

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It’s too bad threads like these don’t garner the same level attention and likes as the spam threads that we see repeated day in and day out. This would be a good one to tag a dev in. Hopefully they see it and it doesn’t get buried under the endless stream of filth.

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That’s a pretty interesting idea.

Maybe also add in a bonus reward if you complete the quest meta for the hot zone.

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Why literally force player to go level in a zone or at the very least make them feel like they are forced to due to really good bonuses what if they do not like that zone?

Let people level the way they want to and enjoy, dead zone are probably dead for a reason, not everybody use “Optimal” leveling zones guides and merely level in the zones they enjoy. (Or they just spam dungeons to level cap)

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I dont think you know what this word means.

Nope, you dont.

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