Hot take: Warcraft is noncanon

Good point. “The writers current favorite story > canon” in Blizzard’s eyes these days.

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I could do a better story than the current devs.

My first action would be to decanonize everything in the game by having some random self insert do a thanos snap event then have a scenario where the pc tries to stop them but fails and then the universe is reset.


Reduced to Atoms.

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Well it is the same with the Grimtotem for Horde (I am aware that they were “part” of the horde in Vanilla, but they were still an antagonistic force. With Magetha showing her true colours in the Shattering Novel). I really want to know why Blizzard hasn’t put in Jevan Grimtotem in the game yet. He really should’ve been part of the rescue Baine scenario instead of say Rexxar. Or have him as the shaman 7.2 follower instead of Magetha.

This makes more sense than BFA, Shadowlands and every book about WoW.

I doubt Blizzard will decanonize WoW for the simple fact that whatever the reception to their stories, they have never gone back on them because they know if everything players have ever done was meaningless it would makes people less likely to care about the story. Not to mention that is such an artistic cop out akin to “it was all a dream”.

I do think Warcraft will have an alternate universe someday(a true one) but that probably wont happen until a decade or so more from now.

Well look what NOT joining the Horde got them. Making enemies with everyone else on your continent while your nearest allies are half a planet away.

Joining the Horde would have also allowed them to straight up solve the despoiling problem. The Horde despoils the forests because they need the lumber. The NEs can generate lumber without despoiling the forests. With the NEs there to provide for the Horde’s lumber needs, the forests would have been protected.

And also the thing Mardrigala said about aesthetics.

The way I imagine it:

Horde - Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Night Elves
Alliance - Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, High Elves(the Blood Elves that return to rebuild Silvermoon go back to calling themselves High Elves, the ones that stay with Kael’thas in Outland remain Blood Elves)

Burning Crusade:
Horde - Ogres
Alliance - Draenei

Horde - Goblins
Alliance - Forsaken

Horde - Tol’vir(they’re cat bipeds this time instead of cat centaurs)
Alliance - Worgen(Cats vs. Dogs xpac!)

Horde - Hozen
Alliance - Pandaren

WoD:(no time travel this time, the xpac takes place on another continent of Outland, with all same stuff(Iron Horde, Ogre empire, evolved Arrakoa, etc.))
Horde - Mag’har Orcs(from Outland)
Alliance - Blood Elves(Outland leftovers from BC, but they’re vampires now, and the Undead High Elves want to join the faction with the Undead and the High Elves)

Horde: Nightborne(They’re Void Elves. The Nightwell is a Void/Arcane power source the way the Sunwell is a Light/Arcane power source, and the NEs saved them with the Arcan’dor)
Alliance - Mechagnomes

Horde - Zandalari
Alliance - Kul Tirans

Recruited on the way back through Northrend…
Horde - Taunka
Alliance - Frost Dwarves

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Or the orcs will decided their “allies” owe them as much lumber as possible, continue destroying the trees regardless of whatever protest the night elves might have and the night elves will realize they have no allies to turn to.


So the Orcs essentially enslave the Night Elves to provide resources for them and the Night Elves have to sweep all their legitimate grievances with the Orcs under the rug?

I mean, that would absolutely happen once Garrosh was in charge. But they’d just join all the other Horde races in rebellion.

Yes, because that’s what enslavement is. When Dwarves send ore to the humans, that’s the humans enslaving them. :roll_eyes:

They have to set them aside for the good of their people, yes. Just like the Forsaken did. Just like the Blood Elves did. Just like the Dark Irons did. etc.

Humans didn’t kill several barracks worth of Dwarfs and one of their demigods, then turn around and demand an alliance. Do you see the difference?

Are there any Orcs offering recompense to the Night Elves for Grom and the Warsong’s actions?

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Well, again, how many more are dead NOW because they made that choice?

I mean, Thrall probably WOULD have if asked for it in exchange for an alliance with the NEs.

What choice are you talking about?

The choice to join the Alliance instead of the Horde. They decided to functionally declare war on 3 of their neighboring races because of those couple of barracks of troops you mentioned, and a decade later, those races destroyed their home and almost wiped out their race.

Meanwhile, you have the Blood Elves, who fought a world war against the Horde, but had no problem getting over that, because it’s what was best for their people at the time.

You assume it would just happen during Garrosh. The fact is, even when Thrall didn’t particularly like what the Warsong was doing, he turned a blind eye to it. Heck, even when certain shaman were warning him about it.


He turned a blind eye to it because…the Horde still needed that lumber. And because the NEs were his enemies. And thus, he doesn’t need to concern himself with their wants.

But with the NEs in the Horde, there would have been no reason for the Warsong to even be there. There’s no point in a logging operation your allies are already sending you logs.


Unless the night elves didn’t want to let them log it. Heck, even as members of the Alliance, logging right was actually a delicate subject and as I recall in Wolfheart was only lightly done in night elf lands. Not the strip mining style the Horde ultilised.

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Nobody logs it! The NEs just do that thing they do where they do magic on the trees and the trees just make lumber(or I guess lorewise, it’s more like the magic makes the tree grow super fast, and they just break off the extraneous growth. Either way, you end up with lumber with no damage to the trees).


Except joining the Horde meant submitting oneself to the authority of the Warchief. Until this recent council thing, the Horde has always operated under the premise of every member’s submission to the Warchief.

So evidently the suggestion being made here is that the smartest thing an indigenous people faced by foreign invasion can do is surrender themselves to the control and authority of the invaders?

Gotta admit, that’s… quite a stance to take.


That is either no long “canon”(and is closer to gamplay) or simply an ability they lost(remember the whole “our powers over nature will wane over time”). As we saw in Hyjal you can’t just “regrow” nature. It was actually a fairly difficult process and needed the blessing of Aessina. And even in Wolfheart it was mention the Alliance actually has to log it.

Even if that is the case(which I’m not sure it is, Malfurion nonchalantly does it in Elegy(granted, he IS the Archdruid…)), it still seems like they’d have been better off overall handling the process themselves, then fighting with the Orcs and Goblins(both of whom are notoriously terrible at it) over it.

I think it’s weird to still characterize them as invaders at that point. They certainly were that at first, but at the point where the NEs would have been choosing what side to join, the Horde literally just finished helping them save the world together.

So instead of being like “Hey, first contact between our races didn’t go well, but you are our neighbors now, and we just proved we can work well together. Why don’t we cooperate?” They went “Hey, yeah, listen, you know those guys on the opposite side of the planet that you’re in a perpetual war with? We’ve decided to throw in with them. You’re gonna be cool with that, right?”