Hot take: TBC is not a great expansion

Looks like they were considering making changes too. The EA blog post I saw was from about a year ago, but kudos to them for at least taking feedback into consideration.

I remember back before Classic launched you had a lot of people claiming that there were millions of people who wanted the old school MMORPG game play and experience. What Classic has shown me is that that’s a lie. A lot of people though they wanted it, but they really don’t. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s slow. It’s grindy. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea.

I mean they basically don’t like anything about the game. lol

I mean you can dungeon grind if you want but you’re intended to level by questing, like sure you can dungeon grind, i did on this toon in 2 days with a group from my guild. For my other toon however a Druid, I quested all the way from 60-70 and it took nearly a week.

Now if you aren’t in a rush to raid or if you want more things to do so you don’t get burnt out then quest because the gear grind starts a lot later if you quest. Dungeon grinding is the most monotonous thing to do if you didn’t organize a group beforehand and for that to be the first thing you experience in the expantion is monotonous then you can assume burn out will follow soon after.

If you find the leveling experience in TBC to be bad then that is 100% on you as you can level through quests something you didn’t do. If it’s for the gold that comes when you’re 70 then it’s your fault even more so.

Flying is fine, i don’t understand why people say that TBC flying is bad. apart from WPvP what are the downsides of having flying? I still see people in the world so it isn’t like i feel like I’m alone in the world.

It’s just reasons to go certain professions, that’s it.

I agree and I imagine the devs thought what you did too. The reason why Outland doesn’t have an auction house or any class trainers is because that’s all they could’ve done to give players reasons to go back to the old world outside of CoT, Karazhan, Quel’thalas and Zul’Aman which are all raids and can only be accessed once a week (3 for ZA).

I wish that Outland was in Azeroth but I’m pretty sure it was already established that Outland is another planet.

Wouldn’t mind more space, I wouldn’t mind even more layers to simulate that.

Think full T4 is a little hyperbolic, sure there’s not much reason to do heroic dungeons outside of badges, the heroic daily or Primal Nethers. The only Item i need from a heroic dungeon is an eye for my druid outside of the badge gear that is.

Itemization is actually a lot more free at least for mages, there are a lot more options than in Vanilla WoW. There are BiS items of course but there are a lot more side pieces than what was available in Vanilla.

It sounds like you’re weighing yourself down with a ball and chain, if you find that can only find enjoyment once you hit 70 as to experience the “end game” then I don’t know what to say. My GM told me that my guild’s gonna have a second raid comprised of the same people but different toons because if you only have 1 toon in TBC you’ll have nothing to do real quick and he was right. There’s not much i need to do on my mage at the moment outside of farming primals but with a second toon to consume my time i have a lot more to do.

This is long so sorry if you want a TL;DR I’m not gonna give you one.

Hot take: This isn’t a great thread. Try again.

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