Is there a reason people typically don’t mix hot hand with stormstrike builds?
With the invention of new builds like this one … CcQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMzMzGmZmZMzMDGzMbzYGAAAAAAAAAALAMMjhhsALDDNYBAz2kBsswMzMYmZWmZ2mZmglxyYMAAG
I am curious if taking hot hand in a trade off for like doomwinds and naked primordial wave would be worth it?
The issue is that Doomwinds and Naked Pwave’s interaction with Lighting Rod is just too strong to outweigh the increased number of LL you’re getting from Hot Hands. Besides clashing with wanting to use stormstrike as much as you can, Hot Hands loses a lot of value of not having Ashen Catalyst and Lashing Flames. LL also doesn’t proc Windfury Weapon either and without Elemental Assult its not going to be generating much MSW.
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