Host Classic With Crusade Patch

Yeah I mean I don’t hate TBCC where I’ve quit it fast as I did retail. I just don’t totally love it either. I do enjoy TBC raiding. I will continue to play it until the end as long as my friends are there. There is certainly something to be said about more classes and specs being viable, this is a very good thing about TBC.

We all have our favorites though and I know people love TBCC. What I am seeing though is only around 3 of my guildies online at peak hours on non-raid days. in Classic we had like 15 on at peak hours even in the “down times”. Now the comment could be made “well it’s your guild” but I’m seeing this type of thing with others I know too. On the surface, TBCC looks like there is way more to do but raid logging seems to be the main thing people are doing.

same. it’s all just raid logging. TBC is a blast from 60-70 and through kharazan, but then that’s about it.

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Lmao thanks for bumping my thread idiot erpaderpaderp

Btw horrible idea

What about the new areas in Azeroth?

Well, I like them as zones. Also, if they are not locked off, you’ll have a lot of hunters with Ravagers!

We all have our own opinions on the choices they made. While I like some of them, I’m not a huge fan of the XP increase to quests, and the addressing of mages being mages in Maraudon.

I doubt we would all agree on anything though, so we’ll see how well received what they give us will be.

no it isn’t, and I would argue there is strong reason to believe it is YOUR version that is doomed to fail. please stop this. nobody is going to be playing a weird version of WoW that is vanilla but with TBC talents and oh you also get talents starting at level 1… yeah, how about no. goodbye.

Been Rank 14 twice, first with world pvp and later BG´s. I still think that the old system needs a change, especially on seasons.

It takes time to get ranks, to level up and by knowing that seasons last 12 months, you must make changes.
Besides that, the old system had it´s flaws especially with xrealm coming in. It allowed people to just afk at AV, in fact I dont know a single Rank 14 who did it legit with 1.12 or the current classic WOW.

Besides that, keep in mind that rank decay is a pretty hefty penalty for not playing a few days or hours. You lose so much progress, that you pretty much cant afford it.

Mind you, when I did Rank 14 first, we had DHK´s and couldnt even wear the items when we lost our rank. This was punishing and I am guessing you never earned Rank 14 the hard way then, if you didnt do it like that.
Still, I was pro these changes so that people like you could also get Rank 14 easier.

On seasonal realms, rank decay should be disabled, so that everyone will eventually climb in the rankings and if he or she doesnt play a month, he or she will still have their ranking.

I do not think the honor TBC system should come, I felt this was completely boring and people only wanted honor / hour, which was against the philosophy of the previous system, where winning was key.

You could get a lot more done by just winning, than you did by just losing, but the honor system changed that and losing quick while farming kills at AV to get your 4 kills a day cap, was key.


I’m all for this change.

Classic’s honor system was heavily flawed, and I quite like having honor as a currency instead. Recall in the prepatch how after reverting the 10x change, it felt slow, and it still felt slow after doubling the honor gains. For this Classic season, I’d recommend decreasing the honor gains so that it still feels long and grindy, but you’re not punished for logging off as it was in original Classic.

The talents don’t need to match how it was in the TBC prepatch, but a few tweaks like shadow priests having vampiric touch, paladins having spiritual attunement and the TBC version of improved seal of the crusader, etc. would make them utile.

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To your point on people only wanting honor per hour with the TBC system, provided that the honor gains are slow, one of the main ways of gaining honor would be through farming battleground marks, which would come in greater number from victories.

Additionally, battleground marks are also required in addition to the honor currency to buy gear. Due to this, I believe that people will still want to play to win so that they can gain more honor as well as more battleground marks.

true add arena and fix gear for people who ONLY want to pvp that doesn’t require you to put in 15 hours of bgs per day

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The problem with adding arena in Classic is that some classes will flat out be disadvantageous.

Paladins in TBC already have a hard time in arenas. Whenever I saw a paladin on the enemy team, it was almost a guaranteed win, no matter the paladin’s spec. Imagine holy paladins with a crappier Holy Shock, or ret paladins without Crusader Strike. It would be even less balanced.

Before arenas with consequential gear can even be humored in Classic, there would have to be class changes to some extent.

you guys are simply wasting your time asking for all these huge changes. blizzard doesn’t have the inclination or even the manpower to do this stuff. they just want to do a few very minor changes, launch the vanilla classic servers, and be done with it.

part of me wonders what will happen at the end of the season of mastery though

My main problem with this system is that with the honor points/mark system the games tend to be drastically less fun with far fewer people trying and a huge give-up mentality.

I ground out 100 AB marks with my ally during the prepatch and it was very painful, to the point where I had to force myself to play. I ground out a lot of the other marks too but those weren’t as painful but some games were.

These days in TBCC people on both sides just do AV for honor and then do the other BGs for marks. Frequently the teams will give up for fast marks and stop trying within the first minute. The players have a loser “I just want my marks” mentality.

I get that there is more to the reasons for the poor gameplay mentality, but I’d rather BGs be fun, not absolutely terrible, and not worth even doing for fun.

Overall I’ve been trying to be open-minded about changes people want implemented because there obviously will be changes but that’s my main concern with this one, BGs filled with quitters who don’t even like PVP and don’t try at all and thereby make the games way less fun for people who do want to play them properly.

LOL classic boomers truly have the smoothest brains. Collecting unemployment is a skill brah

I give it more time than that, you will see ppl level, go through MC, through BWL, and then get slapped come AQ and that is when the big fall off will happen


80% of specs are gutted in Vanilla for PvE content. That’s not normal when half raid is warrior, other half is rogue. Not to mention all same spec/build/gear.

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Agreed, that much zugzug was lame asf

classic with 2.4.3 talents/changes would be pretty interesting. It should be a season idea instead of the clownery SoM was.