Horseman AI

Don’t feel like I see this being talked about and it is a massive issue for Rider (talking about PVP mainly here but I’m sure they do troll stuff in keys etc)

So what is the reason for designing them to hit everything except for what you’re actually targeting? While not responding to /petattack, they are running around tunneling felguards / pveing earth ele’s and running across the map to break CC on healers. I get they’re undead and don’t have brains but why do they have free will under my control?


Simple answer, no effort was put into their behavioral ai. PvE game.


Don’t worry, chief. They like to ruin M+ runs too. I have now lost count of the number of times I’ve watched Darion Mograine defy the laws of physics by phasing through terrain/walls/objects/whatever to ride off and attack packs not even remotely close to involved with the current fight.

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They do some hilarious stuff in DB at times, seems it share a lotta issues with demo locks in that dungeon/key and summon pets doing odd stuff while in flight.

Should have just made it when the horsemen target whoever you scourge strike / frost strike…