Horrific Visions Rewards

There is a clear difference of when playing a game to have a desire to figure something out and when an explanation is required. This release is not a puzzle or raid boss. It is core content of a major patch that people will be using to push content. It was not advertised as a puzzle nor should it be treated as such.


Maybe they’re talking about next week?

I have run this on 2 toons, total of 6 times and got ZERO loot.

I mean I am. But I haven’t done any 120 stuff, just my Vulpera

Who liked this??? It literally gave you loot every single time on the PTR, so of course we would expect it to work the same way. Do you know how high the stakes are in this game? Obviously not… lol. Nice 5 keys


Post on your main

  1. Sounds like you could use the gear

Check out the belt this character is wearing, dropped out of a vision with a socket two days ago.

So I let my corruption get up a bit because I wanted to see what it’s like. I thought it would be annoying. The little eye that spawns is actually just kind of funny, hasn’t really caused me any real problems at all. It’s almost cute. Tiny Nzoth is trying to hard to fry me but he just doesn’t have the juice.

Keep guessing maybe one day it will be true.

This is weird, how they can explain then that some guildies actually got some LOOT as it was on the PTR and intended yet, if you open a ticket calling this out, they just send you to this topic… What a way to explain things in Blizzard, they fu%@ it up and since they can’t fix it or don’t want to they just release this “Break down”.


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My hunter isn’t getting an ilvl upgrade until she can do a full clear plus masks. By which point, I suspect she’ll already have better gear from mythic+ and raid. So essentially this is offering no rewards on my main outside of leveling the cloak itself. Yay. :frowning:

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At least they’re consistent with their theme of hazing their customers.

Geez, this patch has been incredibly buggy.

Like others have said, this topic really should have come before the patch dropped. Pointing us to WoWhead isn’t a good look, either.

Would love if y’all would address the people like me who didn’t get the upgrade for their cloak to drop after successfully clearing the Vision (AKA successfully defeating Thrall) so now I’m a week behind.

Yea, sure I can catch up next week… but what if the same bug happens again? :expressionless:


I have received absolutely no loot outside of the cloak upgrades across all my alts.
Paladin, DH, DK, and Warrior.

I kow you’re not compensating me for those runs. It is simply a shame, however, that the patch was released in such a state despite numerous PTR reports advising of the issue

Thanks for the clarification, Kaivax. For all, here’s my anecdote: I entered a Vision earlier Saturday night with 4 others and easily cleared the two ‘wings’ and then 86’d Thrall. I received a 430 azerite helm. Prior to this I had completed only the main entrance point and defeated Thrall. I only received 420 loot.

Can you clarify on whether or not loot rewards from visions were bugged before this post? I submitted a ticket saying I had not been rewarded in the way described. The GM acknowledged that I had not received loot and it was not me just being forgetful.

If this is the case it would only be fair to have all vessels spent refunded before Tuesday to all player as there is no realistic way for anyone who did all of their visions early to now get rewarded for the week.

False. Sorry to burst your bubble.

This wasn’t how this worked on the PTR.

Each side area was +5, each mask was +5.

The way to maximize momento’s would be to add the multipliers from the masks, even when that means that you’re no longer full clearing it. The way this used to work was if you did 2 side area’s with 3 masks, that would be +25, or a 445 item.

Doing that 3 times a week would be 445, 440, 435.
With what you have posted, you would get a 430, 420, nothing.

This is a super feels bad thing, you either maximize memento’s by using the masks, or you try to maximize gear by taking off masks. Like, this is why the masks were designed to be multipliers instead of additive amounts, so you would want to chose to add masks over potential full clears with less masks.

For the majority of players, with how the weekly gating is done for the cloak, there might as well only be 4 tiers. Killing the end boss, +2 area’s, full clear, full clear all masks.

This new method is 100% a noob trap.

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