Horrific Visions: Blood or Unholy?


I upgraded my cloak to rank 5 soloing in Blood spec. (I main Blood, and off-spec Unholy.) Currently sitting at ilvl 436.

However, going forward, for rank 6 and above, I’ll need to clear more objectives.

I’m wondering if I should switch to Unholy for future Horrific Visions runs. I don’t know if Blood will do enough damage to clear the objectives in time. Is UH tanky enough? Seems like it should be, but not sure.

Has anyone done the rank 6 upgrade yet? Any feedback on how it was with your spec?

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The damage from mobs isn’t tremendous, and as long as you use death strike as necessary instead of dumping everything into death coil, you should be fine. If you want to start doing more objectives as blood you will need to pull larger and larger packs; granted, this is the case with any of the specs, just blood can survive the full-zone sized packs more easily.

(I main Blood and OS Frost)


I wouldn’t try it under 20% haste, baseline. You’re going to need SD procs to use DS and not lose too much damage. Ran all 5 upgrades on Unholy so far (main spec) going for #6 on monday. The first 5 were cake but I’ve mained the spec for 12 years at this point so grain of salt.


I am mad that i got an in combat bug so i failed one on my DK.

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Akintunde and Raziael: These are all good points to consider. I’m a bit more comfortable with the Blood toolkit than the Unholy toolkit, so maybe I’ll give rank 6 a go in Blood. I can use a strength flask to boost my damage output a little maybe and pull a bit bigger packs.

Broflake: I’m sorry to hear that. Bugs like this are RNG and any of us could have caught one just as easily. Hopefully they fix some of the HV bugs during today’s server downtime and you can get back on track.

Dps trinks as well.

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ive done it all as blood solo so far and was able to clear the whole first room no problem. doing rank 6 today but i will be bringing a friend of mine for extra dps because i dont think blood will be good getting down the xtra adds in the 2nd room.

Please let us know how it goes!

to give you an idea if you havent tried for rank 6 on any toon yet. the 2nd boss that i found easiest silences and summons waves that stun. i could solo on my boomy b/c of stupid amount of dps and could dodge the waves easy. once killed thrall with gain the silence spell as well. this was the main reason why i think it would better to not solo as a blood DK.


Happened to me as well… all I could do was watch it tick down… big mad…

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I’m on track for R6 on my dk and my rogue. Hype is real. This one gets it tomorrow. Anyone at R6 yet with any pointers? Looking at you Soul. :smiley:

I’m on track for tomorrow, too. Would love to get your feedback on how it goes.

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garona is faster for sub boss.
Unles you do dangerou zappyboi tricks

It looks easier to me, but Dratnos said Valley of Spirits was easier:

But he was playing rogue, and is way better geared than me…

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Youll be fine with Unholy. Really, everyone should be playing a dps spec when doing horrific visions if they are doing them solo. The mobs dont hit that hard. The only benefit of playing Blood instead is that if you fail a mechanic and get stunned or something, you have more health to fall back on. But you really should be favoring damage over sustain when solo.


I’ve cleared 3 chest as Blood at rank 5.
It’s fine if you have an idea of what kind of pull pattern you are going to do.
My advice is a large pull at the start into a hut and use lust, you go left side first and do the shamans, then back to the drag, totem back to thrall and use lust to finish.

I have a video on my youtube channel of the run if anyone is curious, but yes in short. It’s all very doable as a Blood DK.


I’d like to see that video. Can you share the link? Or is your youtube name the same as your DK?

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yep, link pls. I am also interested in watching that vid.
Cheers mate

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No worries here is a link - https://youtu.be/5jYXVd4AMvo

Any questions hit me up, I’ll probably do a walk through eventually for the full clear or something along those lines.