Horrific Vision Combat Bug

So, some guildies have mentioned this same bug, but I was running my Paladin through a horrific vision in Stormwind, and cleared the first area, then moved to the gnomes/bombs. After clearing the gnomes and bombs, and the sore thingies, I decided to clear my sanity. My portrait showed my level, so I was not in combat.

Unfortunately, when I tried to use my orbs to clear sanity, it wouldn’t let me, saying I was stuck in combat. I ran through the entire first area again, just to be sure, went back to the gnomes, and confirmed. No agro, still showed my character level under the portrait - all the signs say - not in combat. Still can’t use the orb.

Please fix this crap. This whole rollout has been terrible. I lost the quest item, and am down a vision. Blizzard, you are better than this. You have to be better than this.


I also had this same issue. cleared the corrupted area and finished the objective, went to kill the boss and was stuck in combat. Blizzard has refunded items in the past so I don’t see why they cant refund the lost quest item or the vision.


I have also had this happen to my 2 man party. My buddy and I were clearing everything, killed the whole area but the boss and tried to orb but we were in combat still. We both died and be used his revive ability from research and was STILL in combat… died shortly after and we did not get to complete vision. Definitely an issue that needs addressing. All the grind for the vessel just to have it bugged.


i just had this happen to me and twice to my guildie,i clearing first area and learning sw area and was out of battle tried to eat my new food for 100 sanity then tried orb too and could use neither because i was stuck in combat so i lost my cape upgrade and now have to get back to 10k to buy another chance


Would love to see a response. I’ve found more ans more forums on this issue within the last 7hrs. Some days too.

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Same thing happened to me. Cleared 1st area with bombs and got stuck in combat. There were no mobs I was in combat with and I couldn’t drop an orb. Blizzard needs to refund players the vessels for this issue.


What incredible content, stuck in combat, knocked into the water by the stupid flame effect and then stuck in the water while sanity ticking down.

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I had the same issue after completing the bomb scenario in the northern most area of Stormwind. I was able to immediately mount after pushing the plunger down, but as I ran to the main Stormwind area o became locked in combat despite no enemies existing anywhere near myself and my path. I ran around with 400 sanity left, twice, attempting to find out why I was apparently in combat, to no avail.

I failed two scenarios as the result of this bug and it was incredibly frustrating.


It’s not just Visions, being stuck in combat is a constant problem everywhere in BFA, run half way across Nazjatar on foot because the game won’t let you go. Have to spend an invis just to remount.

Was never an issue in Legion and still isn’t, it’s just BFA zones.

9/10, it’s a tentacle still up somewhere. I’m not sure about the boss that spawns after you do the bombs though, but then again, I’ve never forgotten to handle them.

Also, if you’re a pet class, make sure your pet isn’t doing something dumb like attacking the sores on the ground.

same for me, this really sucks, I used vanish, and still in combat

This entire patch has been poorly conceived. On two occasions I’ve lost vials because of this combat bug and people who say “there’s a tentacle” that’s not a me problem that’s a BLIZZ problem. Something you can’t see, can’t find, and can’t deal with shouldn’t cost you currency that takes a day to earn.

I’m so fed up with the lack of thought blizz puts into their work.

This EXACT thing has happened to me twice. Same. exact. thing.

This exact thing also happened to me twice. I have reported through opening a ticket. Please bliz, restore my 2 vessels so i can give them a fair try.

Same. The rage was real.

Also had this ridiculous bug. even shadow melding didnt help. like seriously, if im going to spend all this time collecting the trash currency for this system you could at least make it a worthwhile experience, but instead i now have to burn extra vessels which means i need to farm more currency. thanks blizz.

Oof. You’re right I just saw this on WoWhead.

Everyone here in this thread and others complaining about the same thing did exactly the same thing. No immediate threats to engage they left the district and found after leaving they were stuck in combat.

What’s the deal here? Does the boss not spawn or emote or do anything to indicate to the player they are in combat still? What a weird design. Seems to have gotten a few of us thinking it was bugged.

second time this happened to me today. cleared the first zone in Orgrimmar, cleared all the way to the second zone boss. i was in combat with no one, still could not use my orb. very disappointing.

This just happened to me. I was on my DH and thought I could do one of the optional zones (I just started doing Horrific Visions). I cleared it and then ran back to the main boss and died because I was in combat even though nothing was chasing me. There was no indication I was in combat. I’m so irritated that the time I have to spend on entertainment actually made me mad instead of happy. I feel like I was robbed. I mean we are limited on how many we can do. It’s just not worth it. Back to leveling.

Blizz, this is STILL HAPPENING - has happened to me twice in Orgrimmar Horrific Vision. Could you at least make it so we can use that sanity restoration thingie?