Horrific vision chest reward

Is there supposed to be a piece of equipment in the chest on completion of every horrific vision or just the first one each week?? I completed 3 horrific visions last night and only received a piece of gear from the first one.

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I’ve got the same confusion and concern. I keep hearing conflicting information on whether this is intended or a very bad bug that has cost me several pieces of gear…

It’s a bug. You are now behind. Enjoy.


blizz needs to give us our key things back since its their failure not ours accountability goes along ways hell evan Iran can admit they shot a plane full of people down by mistake so blizz man up and fix this


I’ve already been told by CS that I will not be getting my vessel back for failing a vision because of a bug on their end.

well CS peeps are useless and when enough people make enough noise we will see action. Dont take no for an answer remember you are the one paying them so you deserve a quality tested product.

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I applaud your optimism, but they have a long history of ignoring bugs like this even when they effect progression. I hope they do something meaningful for their player base, but there really is little hope.

Just trying to be honest here.

I honestly agree with you but I also am sick of big greedy corps thinking they can take a crap all over the customers and we should just sit here and like it. I really really think its time we make a stand and tell blizz no not this time this is how its going to work. I am for one tired of hearing that we have to always accept what they say.


I’m not mad…just dissapointed.

They REALLY could have explained all this better. People are so confused.

If they publicly admit faults, then that hits their stock price. Shrug.

Blizzard knows all their major stock-holders don’t actually PLAY the game.

Wow. What a huge mess. I wish I hadn’t even played this week.

I got a key out of the chest last night but my partner didnt are people getting keys in them to?

First one per week. If you do more areas, you get another one per boss per week.

That’s not true, as I did a second boss and got no loot.