To whom it may concern,
I have a bit of social anxiety so bear with me as this is a struggle for me. I am looking to join a guild to try and break out of this social funk I have going on. I started my wow journeys on a pvp server (a orc hunter and night elf rogue). I used to raid back in vanilla and bc. I don’t run dungeons or raid currently, I stress about sucking when I probably shouldn’t care about it and should just wing it. I would like to get back into pvp as I had more fun in battlegrounds and world pvp. I have 3 110s (shammy, monk, and dh) and 2 120s (pally and dk) alliance side and 2 120s (hunter and druid) and a 110 pally)horde side. Funny story back in the days of everlasting AV on my hunter I was loading bags with bullets/arrows and was switching my weapons only to realize once I was in the battle both my gun and bow were in the bank. It was as awesome as it sounds.
Hi there Comté. We would be happy to have you if you are willing to keep chat free of toxicity, vulgarity, and negativity All we really expect from members! You can participate to whatever extent you are comfortable. Check out this link for more information. :) [A/H] Pénsive/Pensive Welcoming New Members - #19 by Briarpanacia-dalaran. Contacts are included and hope to see you in our roster