Is anyone else having horrible frame rates in raid? I am getting around 15 fps. I have a 3080ti Founder’s Edition and AMD 5900X and 64GB of DDR4 ram. I even turned raid graphics to 1 and still getting horrible frames.
Not sure about Retail anymore but I never drop below my selected 120FPS in Vanilla Era. I am using a 1080, so its a fairly old card, but likely way more than enough for WoW.
Do you have your monitor plugged into your graphics card or your motherboard’s onboard port?
Nah me and guildies are getting frame rate drops that seem to correspond with mass debuffs going out, most notable on gargoyles/curse spiders in naxx.
Curios, turn off addons 1 by 1 and if one of them is at fault then elimination will remedy the problem. Now days the only addon I use is my own version of Tidy plates,
Presently I have zero graphical issue
I got a ‘fatal error’ for decursive tonight, so I have a decent idea it is likely decursive causing this. Will be testing on friday during aq40.
If not recursive, if you have and malformed WA, they can act badly.
Yes my monitor is plugged directly into my card. Most of my guildmates were complaining about FPS issues as well.
Hmmm, we did our raid on Monday and I didn’t experience issues. If it was just you I’d say there was something up with your machine but if your whole guild (and Duckling) was seeing an issue, that’s very strange.
I do agree with Cezar though, next raid if it happens just try disabling all your addons and seeing if things improve. Sometimes it just helps to rule things out!
Upgraded my computer. I now have a 4090 24GB and AMD 9950X and 64GB of DDR5 ram. I get around 30-40 fps during fights with a lot of effects like Rasha’nan and up to 60-70 when a lot of stuff isn’t happening. This is with the graphics preset set to 6. I did a fresh WoW install and removed a bunch of addons and weak auras but still getting crap fps for my specs imo.
Didn’t realize you were playing retail. That’s a higher demand but shouldn’t tax that card. I haven’t played retail since DF Season 1 but I’m pretty sure I was getting more than that on a 3080.
Are you on a desktop or a laptop?
I am playing on a desktop. Sorry I realized this is in the wrong forums.
No problem. You can actually move this by editing your OP and changing the sub forum.
If you’re on a desktop with good hardware I’m actually really not sure. Maybe try CS and see if they have any suggestions. I wish I had better advice!