Horrible and exploitable wpvp

Good afternoon.

I’m complaining about something ridiculous that is happening in Wpvp, I was with my Ilvl 570 character doing the sparks quest when a rogue called Nøøbsaibøt-Stormrage appeared and started killing me without giving up, but as he was relatively bad I ended up being able to let him go. him without cooldowns and would kill him, when he suddenly disappeared and a few seconds later he appeared and attacked me again and again when he reached 40% of his life he disappeared inexplicably.

I logged into a starter edition account to see where he was going and every time he would die he would be called to a random dungeon and then he would come out and try to kill me again, I can say that he killed me about 20 times and he entered dungeons at least 10 times, and I did several creative gameplays to kill him since he had full conquest equipment and when, with a lot of effort, I would succeed, he would simply disappear and return a short time later and finish with me.


Yep, it’s Follower Dungeon queues specifically.

Blizzard needs to change the system so that you can’t enter them while in combat.


You might want to edit your post to remove the name.

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LMAO I know that guy. I have a lot of pictures of me putting him down in world PvP. He usually tries to tap on me and then runs when the going gets too tough. The thing is, he never escapes. Sometimes he ALMOST escapes but no luck hahahahaha.


This exploit is happening everywhere. They are joining follower dungeons so they can drop their pvp flag. It happens at goldshire on moonguard alot too. There are a few alliance that are guilty of this.

Lmao classic noobsaibot tbh