Horn of Lordaeron is great, but should be changed to work with Blessing of Might or outright replace it

Given that it’s now baseline, no paladin in their right mind would ever use Blessing of Might over Horn of Lordaeron. Rather than create this kind of dynamic, something in the design should change.

One option would be to make Horn of Lordaeron place a battle standard on the ground that acts as a totem for all nearby allies, raid members, or party members. Give it a cooldown of 5 minutes or so, and allow it to stack with Blessing of Might OR not stack with it but NOT dispel Might.

This would make it a more interesting tool that justifies the low duration, and Blessing of Might would still retain value when not in range of Horn of Lordaeron, or when it’s on cooldown.

There are obviously many ways to solve the problem, this is just one example.


Make it 5 min plz.


No horde has nothing of equivalent value to might, its a trade off you can have might or str and air totems be glad you get a choice

Actually ridiculous that you get this. What are they balancing this off of?

Horde still have a great difficulty in dealing with magical debuffs because yeah, no one’s playing arcane mage. I’ve had to respec from dps mage to half gimp mage where I just click dispel because we didn’t have enough priests and no mage healers. We don’t have paladins that can just cleanse everything except a curse with one global.

So where is the horde favoritism at? It is honestly getting old seeing blizz bend over backwards into a different universe for Ret paladins. Gave them toxic seal twisting, gave them windfury when they never even had it in classic. You know what, why don’t you just give paladins totems.

Yeah, 2 mins really sucks to upkeep.

I don’t think it will be that bad, if you have a WA tracking it. Otherwise, it will suck. But it’s fair to say that it’s still better and easier than the shaman totems.