is a cutting-edge oriented guild aiming to consistently be amongst the highest world rankings. We are currently in the process of redefining our core in preparation for T12.
We are not a speed running guild, we are a PROGRESS ORIENTED guild.
We currently expect all our raiders to have ONE MIRROR ALT as well as another alt for 3 split runs come Firelands.
Some of our feats include:
Realm First T7 on Skyfury
World 14th & NA 3rd T8 (No Yogg PTR practice)
World 3rd & NA 1st to kill Algalon
World 19th & NA 7th T9
World 10th and NA FIRST T10
World 10th and NA 5th T11
Current Recruitment Considerations:
We currently have open recruitment for all classes and spec - if you have questions or are interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us we are looking forward to speaking with you.
We also are always looking to recruit for bench as well if you would just like a healthy raid environment.
Raid Times:
Prog: T/W/Th 7:30-11:30 EST
Current: W/TH 7:30-11:30 EST
WCL Path: guild/id/697459
Discord Path: .gg/Su3dtGYPwc
Feel free to join discord and apply or reach out to aki_wow on disc for more information.