<HORDES IN THIS HOUSE> OBCG Team recruiting for Heroic Thur-Fri 9pm EST AOTC team!

Hi everyone! We’re currently looking for a few chill, inclusive folks to fill out our regular roster. We raid Thurs-Fri 9pm-12am ET. We have openings for :
1 Consistent Tank
1-2 Healers
any DPS.
We raid flex Heroic, so we have no attendance requirements. Please have ~ilvl 220 and some basic understanding of the raid mechanics. We have a more detailed list of our general expectations in our rules on our discord. Mostly it comes down to, don’t be a jerk, don’t waste other people’s time, and come ready to have good vibes and kill bosses.
If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to me:
Salvor #1877 on Bnet
Salvor #8537 on Discord

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