[Hordes} Hire me 2 ur gild for heals in herics raids

i am loking for a gild to play wows with i want to herics raids and kil mythic monsties in dungins

i am world first best looking gangster so u should pick me up

i got realm first nightbaner in wow xpac named wow 2 burnin legin like 14 yers ago so i know to game hard and not soft

no sweat just pro, thats the way i go. < < thats my motto i just made up to show how good i am

hit me ups on the realms i am on my wow shaman named jamcracker or my cool hunter named jambiscoito (he is a mexican version of me but a huntter)

If you managed to read this far, I am interested in joining a guild that is intending to play Mythic+ and Heroic raiding. I haven’t played as a serious player since mid Legion but with the current COVID-19 situation and working from home I figured now is the time. Hit me up in game if you have an established raid team who needs a healer spot filled.

Edit: this post is also my dating application. If you are a cute female Pandaren hit my line.

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I offer you $0 gold and you can join our team as a benefit.

do you include dental

Removal only


Seriously guys I need a guild im i180 ilvl.

Your invitation has expired.

bro blease