Horde's existential crisis

Except you did.

Are the Maghar fel infested? No.
Were the Draenei essentially wiped out? No.
Was Dreanor fel corrupted and become a dying planet? No.

What more do you want?

12+ years old wolves for the mag’har. Soooo
 tit for tat (as I’ve been saying).
Wolf models are recycled too.
You didn’t “lose multiple Alliance regions to the Horde”, literally two CONTESTED zones were given to the Horde, get your facts right (and don’t even try to patronize lore here, cause we’re talking gameplay - also, if I let you, you’ll probably rationalize all Azeroth is Alliance cause reasons, do let’s not waste time on a pointless debate- Alliance proper maps have always been under strict Alliance control).
Makeovers as in slightly modified quest paths? Cause you guys got that too.
Worgen gameplay treatment is basically the only factual issue regarding Biased treatment

And I repeat, morons faction changing over a. 0x% under the false belief this would remove their own lack of skill has NOTHING to do with an actual factual intention to benefit Horde players. You guys are “dying” cause you are the fools that keep transfering thanks to impatience, ignorance and over dimension of competitiveness (I mean, why t f does people get all antsy over muh raid/mythic+/arena/rbg progression? It’s a stupid game, who cares if one is not the top player in the top guild of the server? Does becoming this “pro” player automatically guarantee a raise on the irl salary or to finally marry our beloved or something? Cause I doubt so.

You know what would imply actual Bias? A mathematically proven high statistic to get higher rewards by faction only. If by proxy of playing Horde I could win a guaranteed higher level piece of equipment you could never ever win then you would be right. However, this is not possible, rewards are homogenized regardless of faction.


We didn’t stop the Draenor conquest. We didn’t stop the demon blood drinking. Those are your criteria, not mine.

There were Mag’har in Outland. Mag’har from AU-Draenor are either Frostwolves or stragglers that didn’t get steamrolled when we smashed the Iron Horde—which, given that we did a lot of smashing across every zone that Orcs lived on, I don’t estimate is a very high number.

Not wiping out the Draenei is especially not a factor in a redemption story, because Yrel and her Lightbound enact a cleansing crusade across Draenor that looks to be on the cusp of wiping out what few orcish clans remain.

Draenor is still a dying planet as of the Mag’har recruitment chain. With the Lightbound and Mag’har accusing the other of being responsible.

Any more arbitrary places you want to move the goalpost to now?


Alright whatever.

WoD turned out exactly like what happened originally.
Green orcs everywhere, stormwind in fire, dreanor dying and nothing got stopped or reversed.
You are right. The orcs are monsters in both AU and MU and not redeemable.

Wallow in your self pity.
Bye now.

Funny thing here is Blizzard specifically named an achievement to reflect this from defeating Archimonde—Time is a Flat Circle. Events will happen in a different way but ultimately shake out in a similar way. Draenor is apparently just doomed, period. All we managed to do was shift the perpetrators from Fel to Light (which I think is going to have a lot of thematic implications in the next expansion—The Light having a very problematic side to it, I mean)


It is a shame Blizzard did not allow the Horde player to join the Iron Horde and repeat the storyline from Rise of the Horde.

I think Horde players such as yourself would have been much happier experiencing that.
Maybe a quest to roleplay saurfang as he kills kids as they squeal like pigs.

That would have been great imo.

I hated WoD’s storyline through and through, because it flies in the face of the notion that the Orcish Horde was only bad because of fel corruption. On the heels of MoP, where orcs were the bads, we were served a plate of our history that told us that evidently our ancestors didn’t need fel juice to be bads. Killing Garrosh should have been a high note, but Captain Killstealer Thrall ambles onto the scene to spoil even that.

I’m amused you’ve concocted an entire wanton evil persona for me solely on the basis of having it pointed out that WoD wasn’t a redemption story for orcs. All I want is WC3/Vanilla era Horde values.


You don’t think Azeroth Horde stopping Iron Horde was a good thing.
What can I tell you?

And you know what sometimes it is fun playing the bad guys so I dont blame you.

Stopping the Iron Horde was a good thing. It was not a redemption story.


It was a redemption story.

The Orcs were once again being manipulated to commit something horrible and Azeroth Horde stopped them.
Redemption for MU Horde and Orcs.

If MU Horde had joined Iron Horde then I would see your point.

i mean, blizzard did try to do a redemption story with AU grom, but of course we were all confused on why the hell we saved him and we didn’t killed him on sight,after all what he has done.


Stopping bad people from killing you and your friends is not a redemption story. If you want to say our actions were heroic on Draenor, go for it. It was a good thing. It was the right thing. It was the heroic thing. There are any number of tropes, archetypes, or descriptors that accurately apply, it’s just redemption is not one of them.


As much as I like Grom
 yeah, that made no sense. His Horde turning on him doesn’t really justify or excuse anything he had done as their Warchief up until that point.


I still don’t see how stopping AU orcs from doing bad things is somehow a redemption moment for either them or the real horde. At no point did the Iron Horde choose to pull back from what they were doing so no redemption was even being sought at the time, until Grom inexplicably announced Draenor was free.

If anything, I feel it made the main horde seem less redeemable than before because it sent a message of the orcs being a garbage people even without being corrupted by demons.



Sorry, but I played Vanilla, and pallies were never the “FotM raiding class.”

You wanted 1 or 2 holy paladins as tank healers. And that was it.

Prot paladins were off-tanks at best, and ret paladins were considered a joke.

They don’t look like Blood Elves with purple skin tones. That would be Void Elves. Nightborne look like fake Night Elves. What you meant to say is Nightborne are Blood Elves with a second rate Night Elf model who come from Suramar, the old Night Elf city from Azsharas empire, the city that Tyrande comes from.

What redemption? They were the villians. If anything WoD made the orcs look worse because they went full atrocity without the Demon Blood.

Non Horde orc characters. Your simply saying that because they were orcs it counts as a Horde expansion. Even the friendly orcs aren’t part of the Horde for the most part. Some, such as the shadowmoon, the horde players never actually interact with.

If that counts as Horde development then every time we have interacted with anything titan related, except maybe the Pandaria stuff counts as Alliance related because it has multiple Titanforged races while the Horde has sort of one. It is like saying EVERY time we have had Legion involvement it has been Draenei lore.

I also can’t help but notice in your ‘WoD was a Horde expansion’ that you blatently ignore how much the Draenei were involved and how much lore they got. There were two whole zones fully dedicated to them. They had the most detailed and developed settlements in the expansion. They were easily as involved if not more so. Hell, even in the last cutscene it is Yrel, Khadgar (the former Alliance champion) is talking too while Durotan hovers in the background. How is it that Khadgar is a more relevant character for Dreanor than anyone from the Horde?

I bring it up again but will expand it. How many notable Horde characters have you on your alliance characters ever actually interacted with and then compare it to the Horde. Someone from or related to the Alliance is the main cast most of the time on neutral content which raises the question since this entire game is fictional why was it so hard for the writers to make Horde characters more relevant to their stories?

The Horde has barely been involved in the main naratives of WoW since Cata except when it is getting set up or playing the villain or fighting itself. Even I side things we end up with characters like Brann, a dwarven prince and leader of an alliance only institution. Hell even in BfA where Brann has actively been involved in the Alliance war campaign horde players end up having to work with him.


That is a very superficial way of looking at things. Regardless of their appearance they are culturally very different to NEs. Frankly Zandalari are more like Darkspear trolls culturally than Nightborne are to NEs.

You really get hung up on the physical appearance of these races.


Agreed. Thank you.

Like 5.2 was also just one patch, but Alliance players bring it up to this day.

Haven’t we heard that Nighborne weren’t originally intended to be playable at all?

I dunno, the actual Cold War lasted for decades.

Mock me if you want, but I believed it was possible then and still believe so now. Positive character development is a thing that happens. And they’ve certainly shown themselves highly willing to write multiple characters in 
 let’s say unexpected ways in this expac.


They might be “culturally different” from Night Elves in the little lore there is of them. Still doesn’t change the fact the in game models look like second rate phony Night Elves. Simply added to the Horde for someone who wants to play a cheap knockoff of the Night Elf model with very few customization options but not have to play Alliance.

I’m playing a video game with graphics that show off the physical models of the playable characters you can play. Why wouldn’t I mention them? I like to talk about things than just the written word descriptions of them. There is more flaws in this game than just story narrative. I don’t have to adore them just because they are a Horde allied race. Just as you don’t have to adore the appearances of Orcs :joy: