HordelandSecurity RECRUITING for RAID spots!

Hi, everyone, I’m Dregga, recently handed leadership of the Guild due to most of leadership leaving the game or scaling back attendance for RL issues. We are in DESPERATE need of experienced raiders to help fill our REBUILDING RAID/RBG teams. We lost over half our team if not most of our teams over the past few months before 9.1 hit… We are currently 7/10 Normal and 1/10 Heroic. We were 9/10 Heroic CN last tier and also achieved 1800-2000 RBG rating last season. Like I said, we ARE attempting to rebuild. Attendance has completely dissolved, with only 7 of us showing up for raids. ALL spots are open!! If you are interested about our raid days/times get a hold of one of our officers, myself, Gianni or Cyranas if you have any questions or are at all interested. Thanks guys!


Bump bump bump.