Last Pull (Horde and Alliance,) an AOTC focused guild, is welcoming all dps specs to bolster our core.
Hello there! Last Pull is a well established guild (est 2011) currently looking to expand our Heroic Core. We’re currently welcoming all DPS specs to expand our AOTC core, and all specs for our Normal Friday, all inclusive, fun run (AKA “Plan B”)
Here’s where the same ol’ recruitment BS goes; The fact of the matter is that most guilds on this server are similar in our philosophies; We’re all friends, we’re friendly, etc…so I’m gonna get straight to the facts;
We always get AOTC. With plenty of time to enjoy the season afterwards, too. (Ususally
We’re an adult guild that appreciates adult humor
We understand how parsing and raid mechanics work and interact
We love to laugh in discord while playing Cards Against Humanity and Jackbox Games
We love potatos (our GM is Irish, idk what to tell ya)
Our raid times for Core are Tues/Wed 6-9pm SERVER (8-11pm EASTERN)
Not interested in heroic progression? No problem! We also run a Friday night, 7-9pm SERVER (9-11pm EASTERN,) Normal mode, fun run/learning raid. All we ask is that you can use Discord and have a comparable ilvl, for the Friday Normal raid.
What we’re looking for;
- Reliable; this means showing up for raid time every tues/wed every week. We can teach a raider to be good if you keep showing up, so don’t be shy.
- Patient; there will be wipes. We’re a team and friends; if we fall, we fall together. When we win, we win together.
- Passionate about your class/spec; If your passionate about it, then you’ll be be determined to improve
- Sense of humor; as mentioned before, we’re an adult guild. There will be adult jokes, so if you’re easily offended, then don’t apply.
- Laid back; Seriously, you’re gonna be our friend whether you like it or not

- Whisper an officer (listed below) for more info about raid requirements!
The best ways to reach us;
In game whisper or mail: *Trukarak-BlackwaterRaiders, Christae-BlackwaterRaiders, or Haruechan-BlackwaterRaiders
Apply directly through the Guild Finder and send mail to me!
Send a carrier pigeon to my location
Hi, my name is Ravenhawk.
Hi Ravenenhawk
Before I joined Last Pull, I was a mediocre rogue, stalking Westfall, camping lowbies, stealing candy from children…
Joining Last Pull changed my life and turned things around for me. I still do all that stuff before I joined, but I no longer a mediocre rogue, just slightly improved and have a fancy tabard now. 
Now that the tanks and heals are in order, opening up recruitment to dps! Come be a part of our family! ;D
Recently joined up with this lot and it’s been a ton of fun. Laid back guild that takes raiding seriously enough to actually get achievements done. Can’t wait to save our DPS from standing in damage 
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sheepishly raises hand "That would be me… 
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Im just trying to help you parse on warcraftlogs 
I wear these when I DPS. Gotta keep those healers busy.
Are you folks looking for a dps shaman? Or a warrior of some kind? I enjoy playing those two classes.
We’re always open to adding DPS to our family, thanks to flexible raids.
Cool I sent an app through ye ole guild finder on my Shaman.
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Hey Truk, long time no play with. I’m just coming back to the game after a 2 year vacation. You guys still recruiting? I’d kinda like to come back to BWR.
Nimaj, Im sorry we had closed recruitment at the time, if we dint have so many melee in guild I would have loved to have you >.<
Anyways, Re-Opening recruitment for SoD Heroic and future mythic. Our current roster fluctuates 16-21 in heroic and I’m looking for reliable ranged dps to fill the slots for a reliable 20 man in preparation for casual mythic after we finish our heroic push.
We’re the first horde side guild on the realm to achieve Sylvanas on normal.
I’ve been with this guild since Throne Of Thunder, back when we were still known as End Game.
I’ve had the pleasure of running with some truly exceptional players here.
Also exceptionally weird players. Wonderfully weird.
The day I leave this guild is the day I leave WoW.
Looking to fill out our roster for the upcoming Season 4 Fated Raids and into Dragonflight!
We have a strong Core team still going!
We can always use quality DPS!
Extra kudos if you keep up an off-spec for healing or tanking for those special moments.
It’s also worth mentioning that we host a super casual normie raid on the weekends (“Plan B”) for alts and for friends regardless of guild tags.
Things get weird
And things get fun
It’s a no-stress, laid back, wacky-good time with an eccentric & eclectic, diverse group of deviants.
If you wanna join in feel free to hit up myself or that Trukarak guy on BWR!
We’ve been at this for quite a while. Feel free to check out some of our old school moments here:
Last Pull TV !
Still looking to add to our family throughout Dragonflight!
Updated post for Dragonflight season 3!