I just got my my first character to 60 and am very excited to start enjoying the end game content in retail for the first time, however I have been searching far and wide for a community where I feel like I am accepted and fit in with everyone.
I like to talk. I want to make friends on this game like I read stories about online- however it seems like striking up a conversation while in a instance, and especially in the overworld is almost impossible. It seems like everyone is just hyper focused on doing their own thing. I respect that, but I just want to be able to squad up with some homies and wreck people in PvP, do dungeons with, and farm world bosses and stuff. I love this game so much, but sometimes I feel like I’m missing out on all the social aspects of the game.
I am an undead warrior playing in the Thrall realm. I would love to join someone’s guild (as long as your name is cool lol) and start to make friends with everyone!
Have a beautiful morning/day/evening
Hey Sicksicko,
I think my guild might be a good fit for you. Here’s my btag >> Panda507#1655. Reach out to me, lets chat!
Hi Sicksicko,
We are a guild on Thrall that has a core group of active members and are always looking to expand and welcome new people.
Guid: Dark Gestures
Realm: Thrall (H)
Recruitment contacts: BNet Devonair#1975 Discord: Jenn#5528
We are an AOTC focused guild looking to broaden out our raiding roster. We are currently 10/10h. In 9.1 we will once again have a focus on reaching AOTC and are looking to build a mythic roster that will continue to progress on content while maintaining our casual but competitive vibe. Outside of raids we also have groups running mythic + dungeons, some pvp and transmog runs.
9.1 Raid Schedule:
Friday/Saturday 8-11pm est with an optional alt fun run Wednesdays at 7pm est
Raid needs:
Currently recruiting for all roles. Main tank spots are taken but on occasion we do need to fill that role if one is away.
Raiding requirements:
Come to raid prepared. We will provide feasts/cauldrons.
Be aware of boss fights/mechanics. While we will learn the finer details as a group and are willing to help new members catch up on new fights, we ask that you have a general idea of what to expect.
Have a headset and working microphone. While you will not be expected to be a social butterfly there are points in raid where communication is required.
Regularly attend raids.
Be able to mesh with existing group. We are serious when it comes to boss pulls but expect lots of laughter and jokes during trash and between pulls. Have the ability to take a joke.
Our mythic roster will have ilvl/dps/class requirements.
Social members are always welcome.
Guild Culture:
We are an active and friendly guild who focus on progressing through content while maintaining a fun and lighthearted atmosphere. We are a 18+ guild and no drama will be tolerated. We provide an active discord full of players willing to help old and new members alike. If you ever need help with something be it gearing/rotation/mechanics someone will always be willing to lend a helping hand.
If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of please reach out to me and we can talk further.
Hello Sicksicko!
My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around! We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable, and our main goal is to have fun together!
We raid Weds/Thurs from 8:30-10:30 pm EST for herioc and Sunday nights are very casual open raid night for normals. We also do weekly mythic+ events for our members. Evolved is a Horde guild on Area52. We also have a sister Alliance guild on Proudmoore.
You can contact me at Grimmy#1990 if you have more questions.
Here is a link to our recruitment post: [H]<Area 52> Evolved Gaming, 18+ gaming community recruiting! 10/10N, 10/10H Castle Nathria