Horde vs Klingons

Who would win in a fight? The Horde, or Klingons

Do the Klingons have their birds-of-prey? Does the Horde have their magic users?

Are you talking about the og Horde or modern Horde? I’m pretty sure Klingons could take on the modern Horde easily.


Depends a lot on how you’d let the magic and technology interact. Hypothetically, the Klingons could just vaporize the horde without ever leaving their ships. However, if it were done in such a way that say, a magical barrier could block their weapons, that changes things a bit. In an army-to-army ground battle, assuming the weapons and magic have approximate equality to each other, it becomes a straight up battle of attrition. Where are they fighting? How many on each side? Special units? Resource availability? Reinforcements? Environmental factors? Do you wanna account for disease and things like that? How detailed we gettin’ here? Lol

No space battles. No starships. The Klingons are allowed to have their bat’leth’s and hand held disruptors in combat.

My brain went to TNG episode where everyone devolved and Worf had a pheremone organ to mark his mate. Orcs getting sprayed.

Just remember…

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Or in the native Klingon…

bortaS bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay’.

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Yeah but Worf really only had that in that episode. He lost that when they re evolved him.