Horde vs alliance

anyone have numbers on horde players vs alliance players? whats the population like?

Im alliance, fwiw lol

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And I’ve rolled horde, now we know there’s at least a server pop of 2. ;p


Human warrior. With a 2:1 ratio we should be able keep you riff raff in check.


Uh oh. Better keep myself unflagged after all. D:

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I suspect that we’ll have to wait until people are heading into STV etc. before we have any meaningful figures…

Why wait for that,when we could all meet at Southshore?

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A survey was conducted between character reservations and game release, and it indicated that our realm’s distribution leans towards Alliance. It wasn’t too unbalanced though, and bear in mind that it was based on just a sample.

People are starting to gather census data and collate the info. Currently around 30k Ally and 16k Horde but that data can be off depending on how many are gathering the data and the coverage over the entire day.

Currently gathering data for our server using censusplusclassic on Curse.

And I’ll eventually be uploading it to wowpop.appspot - I don’t know which site currently has the most data submitted, but this was just one I found on another forum.

That’s where we’ve been sending people to upload on Disc.
Results so far can be found on wowpop.appspot .com/realms/remulos (remove the space).

Alot of ppl playin alliance. Didnt reallise so many children would b playin classic…

wahhhh, is that the best you can get? you should have made a Troll warlock